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Year Source Title
2011     Finnish Office for Health Care Technology Assessment (Finohta) [Training surgical skills with computer-based virtual reality simulators]
2021     Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale (CIUSSS) [Training programming for healthcare professionals: How to support patients with chronic diseases to self-manage their health]
2018     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Trabecular micro bypass stent for glaucoma]
2017     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Trabecular bone score-TBS for bone fragility diagnosis]
2009     Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ -formerly CAHTA) [Trabectedin (Yondelis) in the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas]
2010     Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ -formerly CAHTA) [Trabectedin (Yondelis) in the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas]
2011     Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ -formerly CAHTA) [Trabectedin (Yondelis) for the treatment of ovarian cancer]
2014     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) [Towards a sustainable tissue supply chain]
2024     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Total hip arthroplasty (THA) using a short stem: Evidence report for the S3 guideline on atraumatic femoral head necrosis in adults]
2011     Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ -formerly CAHTA) [Total hip and knee artroplasties in Catalonia. Effectiveness and safety]
2010     Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ -formerly CAHTA) [Total hip and knee arthroplasties in Catalonia. Effectiveness and safety]
2011     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Toric intraocular lenses]
2017     Canary Health Service [Tools for early detection of disease-related malnutrition for adult population in the hospital setting]
2016     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Toolkit for the early awareness and alert systems in Spain (RedETS)]
2011     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Tool to assist in the decision-making of patients susceptible to dialysis]
2010     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Tool for the assessment of drugs for the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism. Gaucher disease]
2010     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Tool for the assessment of drugs for the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism. Anderson- Fabry disease]
2017     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tonsillotomy for recurrent acute tonsillitis and for hyperplasia of the tonsils]
2009     Committee for New Health Technology Assessment (CNHTA) [Tonsillectomy with coblation]
2022     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tonsillectomy or tonsillotomy: evidence report for the S3 guideline on treatment of inflammatory diseases of the palatine tonsils/tonsillitis]
2016     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [Tonsil surgery: comparison of intracapsular dissections and extracapsular dissections and dentification of children at risk for hemorrhage]
2021     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Tolvaptan in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease]
2011     Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ -formerly CAHTA) [Tolvaptan (Samsca) for the treatment of hyponatremia associated with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion]
2020     National Committee for Technology Incorporation (CONITEC) [Tofacitinib citrate for the treatment of moderate to severe ulcerative colitis in adult patients with inadequate response, loss of response or intolerance to previous treatment with conventional synthetic or biological drugs]
2017     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (rheumatoid arthritis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2021     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (rheumatoid arthritis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V (new scientific findings)]
2022     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (rheumatoid arthritis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V (new scientific findings)]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (rheumatoid arthritis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V (expiry of the decision)]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (rheumatoid arthritis) - Addendum to Commission A18-28]
2017     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (rheumatoid arthritis) - Addendum A17-18]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (psoriatic arthritis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2019     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (psoriatic arthritis) - Addendum to Commission A18-51]
2022     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (jPsA and pJIA) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (Colitis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2022     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tofacitinib (ankylosing spondylitis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2021     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Tocilizumab in COVID-19 patients]
2013     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Tocilizumab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis]
2008     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [To test or not to test for thrombophilia after a first episode of venous thromboembolism: a randomized controlled trial to assess effects on clinical outcomes, quality of life, and costs]
2023     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tixagevimab/cilgavimab (pre-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19) – Addendum to Commission A23-42]
2023     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tixagevimab/cilgavimab (COVID-19) – Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2023     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tixagevimab/cilgavimab (COVID-19) - benefit assessment according to § 35a Social Code Book V]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tivozanib (renal cell carcinoma) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tivozanib (renal cell carcinoma) - Addendum to Commission A17-58]
2022     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tisagenlecleucel (follicular lymphoma) - Assessment according to §35a (para. 1, sentence 11) Social Code Book V]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tisagenlecleucel (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) - Assessment according to §35a (para. 1., sentence 11) Social Code Book V]
2020     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tisagenlecleucel (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) - Assessment according to §35a (para. 1., sentence 11) Social Code Book V (expiry of the decision)]
2023     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tisagenlecleucel (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) - Assessment according to §35a (para. 1., sentence 11) Social Code Book V (expiry of the decision)]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tisagenlecleucel (B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia) - Assessment according to §35a (para. 1., sentence 11) Social Code Book V]
2020     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tisagenlecleucel (B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia) - Assessment according to §35a (para. 1., sentence 11) Social Code Book V (expiry of the decision)]
2023     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tisagenlecleucel (ALL) – Assessment according to §35a (para. 1., sentence 11) Social Code Book V]
2024     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tirzepatide (type 2 diabetes mellitus) – Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2024     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tirzepatide (type 2 diabetes mellitus) – Addendum to Project A23-112]
2021     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tirbanibulin (actinic keratosis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2015     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tiotropium/olodaterol - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V (dossier assessment)]
2016     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tiotropium/olodaterol - Addendum to Commission A15-31]
2012     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tiotropium bromide in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]
2008     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [Timing of myocardial contraction and relaxation mapped with high temporal resolution MRI tagging and 3-D strain analysis: detection of ventricular dyssynchrony and prediction of response to biventricular pacing]
2019     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Tildrakizumab (plaque psoriasis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2018     Scientific Advice Unit, avalia-t; The Galician Health Knowledge Agency (ACIS) [TIDY program. Therapeutic Identification of depression in Young people.]
2016     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Ticagrelor (new therapeutic indication): benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2016     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Ticagrelor (new therapeutic indication) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2011     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Ticagrelor - Benefit assessment according to § 35a Social Code Book V (dossier assessment)]
2016     Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fuer Health Technology Assessment (LBI-HTA) [Thrombectomy for ischaemic stroke: patient characteristics, structural requirements and (differential) diagnostics]
2013     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Three-dimensional stereoscopic vision system laparoscopy using monitors in gastroenterological, thoracic, urologic and gynecological conditions]
2010     Committee for New Health Technology Assessment (CNHTA) [Thoracoscopic epicardial radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation]
2018     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Thioridazine for the treatment of behavior disorders in patients with intellectual disability]
2013     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Thiopurine-methyltransferase genotyping prior to thiopurine therapy]
2009     Committee for New Health Technology Assessment (CNHTA) [ThinPrep liquid-based aspiration cytopathology test]
2019     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Thiazolidinediones for type 2 diabetes mellitus]
2019     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Thiazolidinediones for type 2 diabetes mellitus]
2017     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Thiazolidinediones for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus]
2012     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [They just told me I have diabetes! Guide for youth and adults with type 1 diabetes and in intensive treatment]
2010     Committee for New Health Technology Assessment (CNHTA) [Thermoregulatory sweat test]
2012     German Agency for Health Technology Assessment at the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DAHTA DIMDI) [Therapy of the burnout syndrome]
1994     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia]
2009     Committee for New Health Technology Assessment (CNHTA) [Therapeutic temperature management with endovascular cooling catheter]
2012     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Therapeutic strategies in refractory schizophrenia or treatment resistant schizophrenia]
2012     Canary Health Service [Therapeutic management of retinitis pigmentosa]
2008     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [Therapeutic management of colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases based on the presence of disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow]
2007     Canary Health Service [Therapeutic interventions in the treatment of mental illness in children]
2011     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Therapeutic hypothermia in patients with stroke or brain trauma]
2011     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Therapeutic hypothermia in patients who underwent cardiac arrest resuscitation]
2009     The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) [Therapeutic hypothermia following perinatal asphyxia]
2009     Committee for New Health Technology Assessment (CNHTA) [The vest airway clearance system]
2008     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [The value of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for detection of metastatic infectious foci complicating Gram-positive bacteremia (MI-PET)]
2022     Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale (CIUSSS) [The use of social media and electronic communication in the delivery of youth protection services to young people in difficulty and their families]
2001     Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (DACEHTA) [The use of neuroimaging in dementia evaluation. A medical technology report]
2005     Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (DACEHTA) [The use of liquid based cytology (LBC) and conventional pap smear (CPS) for cervical screening in Denmark]
2001     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [The use of inhalation chambers in the treatment of infantile asthma]
2020     HTA South [The use of hydrogel spacer in radiotherapy of prostate cancer]
2009     Technology Assessment Unit of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) [The use of carmustine implants (Gliadel wafers) in patients with malignant glioma]
2007     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [The use of autologous cord blood for anemia of prematurity]
2008     German Agency for Health Technology Assessment at the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DAHTA DIMDI) [The treatment of parkinson's disease with dopamine agonists]
2008     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [The treatment of depression in primary care: the efficiency of computerised cognitive behaviour therapy]
2010     National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) [The survey and cross-sectional analysis of palliative radiotherapy for bone metastases to facilitate its proper use in cancer patients]
2015     National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) [The status and dissemination plan of clinical practice guidelines in Korea]
2009     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [The state of research into inequalities in the incidence, death, prevention and healthcare in cancer in Spain. A bibliometric study and literature review.]
2004     Scientific Advice Unit, avalia-t; The Galician Health Knowledge Agency (ACIS) [The screening of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Applicability in Galicia]
2009     Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) [The scientific knowledge base for treatment of patients with cleft lip, alveolus and palate]
2005     Scientific Advice Unit, avalia-t; The Galician Health Knowledge Agency (ACIS) [The role of vascular endoprostheses in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms]