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Year Source Title
1999     ECRI Alendronate for prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis
1998     Conseil d'Evaluation des Technologies de la Santé du Quebec (CETS) Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis: comparative analysis of cost-effectiveness ratios - nonsystematic review
1998     West Midlands Health Technology Assessment Collaboration (WMHTAC) Laser resurfacing of the skin for the improvement of facial acne scarring
1998     West Midlands Health Technology Assessment Collaboration (WMHTAC) Sildenafil: an oral drug for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction
1998     Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (DACEHTA) Hospital conference from an HTA perspective: Acute appendicitis in adults (funded by DIHTA)
1998     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) Positron emission tomography (systematic review, working group, expert panel)
1998     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) Spectral cytogenetic chromosome analyser (Spectracube SD 200) (systematic review, primary research, expert panel)
1998     Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (DACEHTA) Health technology assessment of physician-manned ambulance service in Aarhus (co-funded by DIHTA)
1998     Danish Institute for Health Services Research (DSI) Hospital doctors' work schedule, education, job satisfaction and productivity
1998     Health Technology Assessment Section, Ministry of Health Malaysia (MaHTAS) Low temperature sterilisation
1998     Health Technology Assessment Section, Ministry of Health Malaysia (MaHTAS) Dry laser image processing
1998     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [An evidence-based guideline on unstable angina management]
1998     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Effectiveness of prostate cancer screening and its application in Andalucia]
1998     Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) The Heart-Laser(R) transmyocardial revascularization treatment of angina pectoris
1998     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) F-labeled 2-deoxi-2-fluoro-d-glucose positron emission tomography scans for the localization of the epilotogenic foci
1998     Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) Herceptin: monoclonal antibody therapy for metastatic breast cancer
1998     Agencia de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias (AETS) Economic aspects of biotechnologies related to human health. 1st part. IPE-98/17 (Public report)
1998     L'Agence Nationale d'Accreditation d'Evaluation en Sante (ANAES) Cardiac defibrillators
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Methylphenidate in children with hyperactivity
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Bisphosphonates (alendronate and etidronate) in the management of osteoporosis
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Lamotrigine as monotherapy for epilepsy in adults
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Screening for hepatitis C in intravenous drug users and genito-urinary clinic attendees
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Vagus nerve stimulation in epilepsy
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Tinnitus retraining therapy
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) The use of olanzapine as a first and second choice treatment in schizophrenia
1998     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Effectiveness of hip prostheses in primary total hip replacement: a critical review of evidence and an economic model
1998     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for malignancy: a review
1998     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Screening for speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature
1998     The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) Evidence-based nursing: radiotherapy for patients with cancer
1998     New Zealand Health Technology Assessment (NZHTA) Can outpatient interventions reduce acute respiratory admissions? A critical appraisal of the literature
1998     ECRI Biofeedback for the treatment of constipation in children
1998     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Reuse of single-use devices: electrophysiology catheters
1998     ECRI Biofeedback for the treatment of fecal incontinence
1998     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
1998     ECRI Cancer antigen (CA) 27.29 radioimmunoassay for detecting and monitoring recurrent breast cancer
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Retinitis pigmentosa. Assessment of a therapy
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) IVF-related research
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Development of resistance with the use of HIV-inhibiting drugs
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Osteoporosis
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Antimicrobial growth promotors in livestock feed
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Toward the effective use of benzodiazepines
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Deep hyperthermia adjuvant to radiotherapy
1998     Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) Health technology assessment centres
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) DNA diagnostics
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Appropriate use of materials for dental reconstruction
1998     Israel Center for Technology Assessment in Health Care (ICTAHC) Government health systems - implications of different involvements
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Medicine and the elderly
1998     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Xenotransplantation
1998     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Telephone nurse triage services
1998     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Human growth hormone for Turner's syndrome
1998     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Cryosurgery for prostate cancer
1998     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS)
1998     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Body stereotactic radiosurgery
1998     Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA) Transnational analysis of the socio-economic impact of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the European Union
1998     Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA) Delphi-Austria: foresight on medical technologies and social-organisational developments in health care
1998     Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA) Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT)
1998     Health Services Utilization and Research Commission (HSURC) Hospital and home care study
1998     Australian Health Technology Advisory Committee (AHTAC) Superspecialty service guidelines for lung transplantation services
1998     Australian Health Technology Advisory Committee (AHTAC) Scientific literature review of lung transplantation
1998     Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) Draft application and assessment guidelines
1998     New Zealand Health Technology Assessment (NZHTA) Youth suicide prevention by primary healthcare professionals: a critical appraisal of the literature
1998     New Zealand Health Technology Assessment (NZHTA) Screening programmes for the detection of otitis media with effusion and conductive hearing loss in pre-school and new entrant school children: a critical appraisal of the literature
1998     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Detection, adherence and control of hypertension for the prevention of stroke: a systematic review
1998     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Ambulatory ultrasound in Basque country: current status, recommendations on its use and practice]
1998     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Choosing between randomised and non-randomised studies: a systematic review
1998     L'Agence Nationale d'Accreditation d'Evaluation en Sante (ANAES) Endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms
1998     New Zealand Health Technology Assessment (NZHTA) Adolescent therapeutic day programmes and community-based programmes for serious mental illness and serious drug and alcohol problems: a critical appraisal of the literature
1998     New Zealand Health Technology Assessment (NZHTA) Acute medical admissions: a critical appraisal of the literature
1998     University of York Screening for ovarian cancer: a systematic review
1998     Finnish Office for Health Care Technology Assessment (Finohta) [The annual costs of medical technology]
1998     The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) Smoking cessation methods
1998     The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) Chest pain: surgery, balloon dilation, drugs
1998     VA Technology Assessment Program (VATAP) Stereotactic pallidotomy for treatment of Parkinson's disease
1998     The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) Routine ultrasound in pregnancy
1998     ECRI Doppler flow testing of vascular access grafts
1998     Agencia de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias (AETS) Surgery for epilepsy. IPE-98/14 (Public report)
1998     The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) Coronary artery bypass graft surgery, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or medical therapy in anginal pain. A literature review for rating indications- systematic review
1998     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Resource allocation for chronic stable angina: a systematic review of effectiveness, costs and cost-effectiveness of alternative interventions
1998     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Evaluating patient-based outcome measures for use in clinical trials: a review
1998     New Zealand Health Technology Assessment (NZHTA) Colour vision screening: a critical appraisal of the literature
1998     ECRI Proton beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer
1998     Conseil d'Evaluation des Technologies de la Santé du Quebec (CETS) Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of a pneumococcal immunization program in Quebec - systematic review
1998     ECRI Recombinant human growth hormone for AIDS wasting
1998     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) Therapy arthrosis hip or knee - primary research
1998     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Analysis of the efficacy of the treatments and costs of Alzheimer's disease in the Basque Country]
1998     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme The costs and benefits of paramedic skills in pre-hospital trauma care
1998     VA Technology Assessment Program (VATAP) Positron emission tomography: descriptive analysis of experience with PET in VA. A systematic review update of FDG-PET as a diagnostic test in cancer and Alzheimer's disease
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Irinotecan as second line chemotherapy in colorectal cancer (preliminary report)
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Psycho-social interventions in oncology: counselling services for women with breast cancer
1998     Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) Telemedicine - a review of international studies
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Stents for coronary artery disease (CAD)
1998     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Surgical gender reassignment for male to female transsexual people
1998     Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) Economic evaluation of erythropoietin use in surgery
1998     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Vagus nerve stimulation for refractory epilepsy
1998     Scottish Health Purchasing Information Centre (SHPIC) Cardiac rehabilitation
1998     Scottish Health Purchasing Information Centre (SHPIC) Heart failure
1998     Scottish Health Purchasing Information Centre (SHPIC) Modafinil
1998     Scottish Health Purchasing Information Centre (SHPIC) Pancreatic transplantation in insulin-dependent diabetes
1998     Scottish Health Purchasing Information Centre (SHPIC) Gastric surgery for obesity
1998     ECRI Urea breath tests for detecting helicobacter pylori