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Year Source Title
1999     University of York Drug treatments for schizophrenia
1999     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Entacapone as an adjunctive treatment to levodopa in Parkinson's disease
1999     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) OtoScan (R) laser assisted myringotomy (OtoLAM)
1999     Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) Screening for prostate cancer, Norwegian review of international studies
1999     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Pallidotomy, thalamotomy and deep brain stimulation for severe Parkinson's disease
1999     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Tamaflu (R) (oseltamivir phosphate)
1999     The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) Evidence-based nursing in the treatment of people with depression
1999     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Leflunomide: a new disease modifying drug for rheumatoid arthritis
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) trials
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
1999     The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment (SBU) Prognostic methods in acute coronary artery disease
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Resource utilization and costs of care for treatment of chronic headache
1999     University of York Scoping review of literature on the health and care of mentally disordered offenders
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Behavioral and physical treatments for migraine headache
1999     Agencia de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias (AETS) Catalogue 2000: Reports and publications from Spanish Health Technology Assessment Agencies. IPE-CAT-99/20 (Public report)
1999     University of York Therapeutic community effectiveness: a systematic international review of therapeutic community treatment for people with personality disorders and mentally disordered offenders
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Drug treatments for the prevention of migraine headache
1999     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Implantable defibrillators: criteria for clinical indications and decision making on coverage - non-systematic review]
1999     Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ -formerly CAHTA) Efficacy and safety of internal ultrasound lipoplasty (or endothermolysis)
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Self-administered drug treatments for acute migraine headache
1999     VA Technology Assessment Program (VATAP) Positron emission tomography: experience with PET and synthesis of the evidence (INAHTA Joint Project)
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) PSA screening for prostate carcinoma
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Parenteral drug treatments for acute migraine headache
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Assessment of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnostics of breast carcinoma
1999     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Effectiveness of transmyocardial laser revascularization - systematic review]
1999     Danish Institute for Health Services Research (DSI) Assertive community treatment
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Minimal invasive technologies for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Preoperative routine diagnostics (chest radiography, ECG, and laboratory tests) for elective surgery
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Approaches and methods of economic evaluation in health care - an international perspective
1999     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Implantable left ventricular assist devices
1999     Health Services Utilization and Research Commission (HSURC) Promoting optimal drug prescribing in Saskatchewan
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Stenting versus balloon angioplasty for coronary diseases - systematic review of medical efficacy and cost-effectiveness
1999     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) An empirical review of health expenditures and technologies
1999     Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) Placement of artificial bowel sphincters in the management of faecal incontinence
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Diagnosis of acute maxillary sinusitis in adults - systematic review and meta-analysis
1999     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) An assessment of routine telepsychiatry services
1999     Scottish Health Purchasing Information Centre (SHPIC) Follow-up in colo-rectal tumours
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Specific desensitization with allergenic extracts for extrinsic asthma and allergy of insect poison
1999     Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Multiple chemical sensitivity: etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Coronary artery bypass graft surgery versus percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in the treatment of coronary vessel diseases
1999     L'Agence Nationale d'Accreditation d'Evaluation en Sante (ANAES) Clinical evaluation of transmyocardial revascularisation techniques
1999     L'Agence Nationale d'Accreditation d'Evaluation en Sante (ANAES) Opportunity of a screening program for genetic hemochromatosis
1999     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) Stereotactic breast biopsy
1999     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) Virtual simulation in radiotherapy and 3D conformational radiation therapy
1999     University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) Electron beam computed tomography
1999     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) Coronary ultrasound thrombolysis
1999     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) Phrenic nerve stimulator
1999     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) High levelling strategy in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis patients with Methotrexate
1999     Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) Assessment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder therapy: a Canadian perspective
1999     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) Technological watch
1999     University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) Intravenous immunoglobulin preparations
1999     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) Inhalation anaesthetics and intravenous anaesthetics: application of isoflurance/laughing gas and propofol in a general surgery population - primary research
1999     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) CD34+ selected autologous stem cell transplantation
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) The value of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) for diagnostic and therapeutic coronary angiography - a medical health technology assessment
1999     Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT) Intravascular sonography for peripheric endo-prosthesis - systematic review, expert panel
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Value of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in diagnostic and therapeutic heart catherisation in patients with coronary heart disease - an economic health technology assessment
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Informed decision making: an annotated bibliography and systematic review
1999     Danish Institute for Health Services Research (DSI) Depression. Consensus conference report
1999     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) The 1998 reports of the Health Council of the Netherlands (Executive summaries)
1999     University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) Paclitaxel
1999     Health Council of the Netherlands Gezondheidsraad (GR) Pressure ulcers
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Bone and bone substitute for periodontal rehabilitation and for bone reconstruction before implantation - systematic review of medical efficacy
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Handling uncertainty when performing economic evaluation of healthcare interventions
1999     Hannover Medical School, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Bone and bone substitute for periodontal rehabilitation and for bone reconstruction before implantation - systematic review of health economics
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme The role of expectancies in the placebo effect and their use in the delivery of health care: a systematic review
1999     Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) Insulin lispro: a critical evaluation
1999     University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) Solvent/detergent-treated plasma
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme A randomised controlled trial of different approaches to universal antenatal HIV testing: uptake and acceptability. Annex: Antenatal HIV testing - assessment of a routine voluntary approach
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Methods for evaluating area-wide and organisation-based interventions in health and health care: a systematic review
1999     VA Technology Assessment Program (VATAP) Treatment options for male erectile dysfunction: a systematic review of published studies of effectiveness part 1 and part 2
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Cooperatives and their primary care emergency centres: organisation and impact
1999     Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) Predictive genetic testing for breast and prostate cancer
1999     Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) Drug treatments for Alzheimer's disease: efficacy, outcome measurements and cost-effectiveness
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders (dysphagia) in acute-care stroke patients
1999     Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (DACEHTA) Interferon beta treatment for multiple sclerosis (funded by DIHTA)
1999     TNO To the infrastructure of efficient information over medical devices
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Systematic review of the literature regarding the diagnosis of sleep apnea
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme Assessing the costs of healthcare technologies in clinical trials
1999     TNO Policy documents for the home care program
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents
1999     Scottish Health Purchasing Information Centre (SHPIC) Ribavirin and interferon alfa in chronic hepatitis C - an update
1999     TNO Home care of baby jaundice with phototherapy: intermediary report
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Prevention and management of urinary tract infections in paralyzed persons
1999     TNO The new generation of elastic stockings
1999     Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Pharmacotherapy for alcohol dependence
1999     TNO Supporting technology in nursing homes. Promotion of independence less work stress
1999     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Low molecular weight heparins (dalteparin and enoxaparin) compared with unfractionated heparin for unstable angina and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction
1999     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Hospital-based pulmonary rehabilitation programmes for patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
1999     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) DNase for cystic fibrosis patients with mild to moderate lung disease
1999     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Glyceryl trinitrate for chronic anal fissures
1999     Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD) Irinotecan as second line chemotherapy in colorectal cancer
1999     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) Multicenter prospective clinical trial into effects of presurgical orthopedic dental treatment (PSOT) in children with unilateral cleft lip, jaw, and palate - primary research
1999     British Columbia Office of Health Technology Assessment (BCOHTA) A systematic review and critical appraisal of the scientific evidence on craniosacral therapy
1999     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) Combination therapy in early onset of rheumatoid arthritis (COBRA) - primary research
1999     NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme A review of the use of health status measures in economic evaluation
1999     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) Evaluation of the PAPNET-system in cervix screening - primary research
1999     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) Comparison of the effects and costs of local injections of corticosteroids and physiotherapy for treatment of capsulitis of the shoulder - primary research
1999     West Midlands Health Technology Assessment Collaboration (WMHTAC) Lung volume reduction surgery for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with underlying severe emphysema
1999     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) Diagnostic value of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in staging malignant lymphomas - primary research
1999     Healthcare Insurance Board/ College Voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) Selective bowel decontamination before orthotopic liver transplantation - primary research