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Year Source Title
2007     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [Surveillance of patients with Barrett's oesophagus]
2011     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [Surveillance after polypectomy - towards efficient guidelines]
2005     Secretaria de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Insumos Estrategicos, Departamento de Ciencia e Tecnologia (DECIT-CGATS ) [Surgical treatments for epilepsy]
2006     Secretaria de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Insumos Estrategicos, Departamento de Ciencia e Tecnologia (DECIT-CGATS ) [Surgical treatment techniques for morbid obesity: duodenal switch/scopinario]
2011     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [Surgical treatment of esophageal cancer: effect of operative volume on clinical outcomes]
2014     Canary Health Service [Surgical treatment of benign melanocytic lesions for the prevention of melanoma]
2004     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Surgical treatment for morbid obesity]
2012     Haute Autorite de sante (HAS) [Surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome: a multidimensional approach in reaching a relevant decision]
2011     The Regional Health Technology Assessment Centre (HTA-centrum) [Surgical stabilization of a flail chest wall]
2011     The Regional Health Technology Assessment Centre (HTA-centrum) [Surgical stabilization of a flail chest wall]
2019     Finnish Coordinating Center for Health Technology Assessment (FinCCHTA) [Surgical smoke during operations - the risks to personnel, and the protective measures needed]
2011     Haute Autorite de sante (HAS) [Surgical haemostatic agents: treatments of last resort]
2008     The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) [Surgical gastrojejunostomy or endoscopic duodenal stent placement for the palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction (SUSTENT study): a randomized study]
2010     Committee for New Health Technology Assessment (CNHTA) [Surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation with HIFU]
2008     Unidad de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias (UETS) [Surgery guided by imaging assessment: efficacy, safety and economic impact of Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging]
2014     Unidad de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias (UETS) [Surgery guided by imaging assessment: efficacy, safety and economic impact of intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (update)]
2007     Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (DACEHTA) [Surgery for obesity - a health technology assessment]
2023     Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) [Surgery for degenerative rotator cuff tears: a health technology assessment]
2009     Committee for New Health Technology Assessment (CNHTA) [SurePATH liquid-based cytology test for FNA(fine needle aspiration) specimens]
2018     Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU) [Support for unaccompanied children and youth – effects, experiences and perceptions]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Support for the development of an S3 guideline on natural childbirth - Evidence reports]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Support for the development of an S3 guideline on natural childbirth - Evidence reports]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Support for the development of an S3 guideline on natural childbirth - Evidence reports]
2017     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Support for the development of an S3 guideline on natural childbirth - Evidence reports]
2017     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Support for the development of an S3 guideline on natural childbirth - Evidence reports]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Support for the development of an S3 guideline on natural childbirth - Evidence reports]
2018     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Support for the development of an S3 guideline on natural childbirth - Evidence reports]
2017     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Support for the development of an S3 guideline on natural childbirth - Definition of the stages of labour]
2016     Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fuer Health Technology Assessment (LBI-HTA) [Supply Mandates]
2014     The HTA Center of the Stockholm County Council/Gotland [Superficial wound infections after colorectal surgery and appendectomy-favourable effect of Alexis wound edge protector]
2020     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [Summary: investigation, treatment and follow-up algorithm - lung cancer]
2013     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [Summary of the exploration of the scientific literature on the effects of prostate cancer screening decision aids for the expert panel of the Collège des médecins du Québec]
2014     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Summary of evidence for efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir in transplant patients with chronic hepatitis c]
2014     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Summary of evidence for efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir in patients with chronic hepatitis c waiting for liver transplant]
2014     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Summary of evidence for efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir in patients with chronic hepatitis c coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus]
2021     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Sucroferric oxyhydroxide (hyperphosphataemia in children and adolescents 2 years of age and older with CKD stages 4-5 or with CKD on dialysis) - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V]
2014     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Sucroferric oxyhydroxide - Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V (dossier assessment)]
2005     Secretaria de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Insumos Estrategicos, Departamento de Ciencia e Tecnologia (DECIT-CGATS ) [Suburethral suspension operations for urinary incontinence in women]
2012     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Suburethral sling for stress urinary incontinence]
2013     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [Sublingual immunotherapy for respiratory allergies]
2015     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Subcutaneous histamine in migraine prevention]
2014     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Subcutaneous defibrillator]
2014     National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) [Study on the introduction of horizon scanning system for emerging health technology]
2004     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Study on the extension of the age of the target population of the breast cancer detection program in the Basque Country]
2009     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Study of urgent and emergency health services in the Basque Autonomous Community: analysis and proposals for improvement]
2006     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Study of satisfaction and detection factors in the in-patient's care, that the deceased's family consider important at the final phase of life]
2007     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Study of risk factors in suicidal conduct. Health care analysis]
2016     National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) [Study of horizon scanning and potential health impact assessment of emerging health technology and development of operation system of H-SIGHT]
2012     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [Study of antipsychotic use. Part 3 : Adults aged 25 or older, primarily those 65 or older diagnosed with dementia]
2025     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Strength training: Evidence report for the S3 guideline on the definition, causes, diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome]
2023     Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (AIHTA) [Strategies for recruitment and programme adherence in group programmes for children, adolescents and adults with overweight and grade 1 obesity]
2018     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [Strategies for promoting and strengthening evidence-based nursing in the Basque Country]
2017     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stiripentol for the treatment of severe myoclonic epilepsy in infants (Dravet's syndrome)]
2023     Scientific Advice Unit, avalia-t; The Galician Health Knowledge Agency (ACIS) [Stereotactic virtual navigation systems for percutaneous tumour ablation]
2024     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stereotactic radiosurgery in benign tumors of the central nervous system]
2022     Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS) [Stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of epilepsy, essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, glossopharyngeal and trigeminal neuralgia: synthesis of its efficacy, effectiveness, safety, and efficiency]
2014     Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fuer Health Technology Assessment (LBI-HTA) [Stereotactic radiofrequency / SRFA SRFA in hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastases]
2019     Scientific Advice Unit, avalia-t; The Galician Health Knowledge Agency (ACIS) [Stereotactic neurosurgery frameless. The iSYS1® Robotic device]
2018     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stereotactic body radiotherapy in liver tumors]
2018     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stereotactic body radiotherapy for prostate cancer]
2018     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer]
2017     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stereotactic body radiation therapy in pancreatic cancer]
2014     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)]
2014     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [Stereotactic ablative radiation therapy for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer]
2015     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stents for the treatment of intracranial artery stenosis: VISSIT study and acute treatment in Germany (working paper on commission N14-01)]
2014     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stents for the treatment of intracranial artery stenosis - Rapid report]
2010     Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fuer Health Technology Assessment (LBI-HTA) [Stent-grafting of the ascending aorta - 2nd Update 2010]
2022     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stent retriever for the treatment of cerebral artery vasospasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage - Addendum to Commission H21-10]
2022     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stent retriever for the treatment of cerebral artery vasospasm after subarachnoid haemorrhage]
2011     Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) [Stem cells in cardiac patients]
2015     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stem cell transplantation in heart failure]
2008     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stem cell transplantation for severe aplastic anaemia]
2011     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma]
2011     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma: assessment of the BMT CTN 0102 study]
2015     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (follow-up commission to Commission N05-03C)]
2008     Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) [Stem cell transplantation for adults with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) or acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)]
2021     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stem cell therapy: clinical applications]
2022     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Stem cell therapy in selected orthopedic conditions]
2012     Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fuer Health Technology Assessment (LBI-HTA) [Stem cell therapy for urinary stress incontinence]
2013     Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) [Steady-state auditory evoked potentials (SSAEPs) in patients with hypoacusia who can not collaborate]
2020     National Authority for Assessment and Accreditation in Healthcare (INEAS) [Statins, lifestyle and dietary interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease]
2008     Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment (OSTEBA) [State-wide network of identification, prioritization and early assessment of new and emerging health technologies]
2019     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: withdrawal management in adult addiction rehabilitation service centres]
2023     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: use of healthcare services by people with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and those with no documented evidence of infection]
2022     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: use of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the treatment of lung cancer in the Québec context]
2022     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: solid organ transplantation – Section 3 - overview of renal and pancreatic transplantation in Québec]
2022     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: solid organ transplantation – Section 2 - overview of liver transplantation in Québec]
2022     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: solid organ transplantation – Section 1 - overview of heart and lung transplantation in Québec]
2022     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: service trajectories and services for at risk or neglected children and their families]
2022     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: risks of hospitalization and death related to COVID-19 in people with physical disabilities using rehabilitation services]
2022     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: risks of hospitalization and death related to COVID-19 in people with intellectual disabilities (ID) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD)]
2018     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: regulation of private congregate living facilities for the elderly]
2024     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: Quebec portrait of bladder cancer incidence, radical cystectomy practice, and resulting clinical outcomes]
2022     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: profile of individuals with a history of cancer infected with SARS-CoV-2 during the first two waves of the pandemic]
2020     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: prevention of cardiovascular events and safety of SGLT2 inhibitors compared to DPP-4 inhibitors in a real-world setting in patients with type 2 diabetes]
2021     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: portrait of the use of home care and support services by people at the end-stages of life in Québec, 2013-2018]
2019     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: portrait of the Quebec adult trauma care network: 2013 – 2016]
2018     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: portrait of opioid use in persons covered by Québec’s public prescription drug insurance plan]
2024     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: overview of thrombectomy for the treatment of ischemic stroke in Québec – Portrait from 2017-2018 to 2019-2020]
2024     Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) [State of practice: overview of polypharmacy and use of potentially inappropriate medications among people aged 65 and over in Quebec]