Robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery for gynecologic and urologic oncology: an evidence-based analaysis

Medical Advisory Secretariat
Record ID 32010001225
Authors' objectives:

An application was received to review the evidence on the 'The Da Vinci Surgical System' for the treatment of gynecologic malignancies (e.g. endometrial and cervical cancers). Limitations to the current standard of care include the lack of trained physicians on minimally invasive surgery and limited access to minimally invasive surgery for patients. The potential benefits of 'The Da Vinci Surgical System' include improved technical manipulation and physician uptake leading to increased surgeries, and treatment and management of these cancers.
The demand for robotic surgery for the treatment and management of prostate cancer has been increasing due to its alleged benefits of recovery of erectile function and urinary continence, two important factors of men's health. The potential technical benefits of robotic surgery leading to improved patient functional outcomes are surgical precision and vision.

Authors' recommendations: RAL has diffused in the province with four surgical systems in place in Ontario, two in Toronto and two in London. RAL is a more expensive technology on a per case basis due to more expensive robot specific instrumentation and physician labour reflected by increased OR time reported in the clinical literature. There is also an upfront cost to acquire the machine and maintenance contract. RAL is expected to capture market at 65% with project net impacts by Year 3 of 3.1M and 6.6M for hysterectomy and prostatectomy respectively.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2010
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Canada
MeSH Terms
  • Gynecologic Surgical Procedures
  • Robotics
  • Urologic Surgical Procedures
Organisation Name: Medical Advisory Secretariat
Contact Address: Medical Advisory Secretariat, 20 Dundas Street West, 10th Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 2N6 CANADA. Tel: 416-314-1092l; Fax: 416-325-2364;
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Copyright: Medical Advisory Secretariat, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MAS)
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