Rapid urine test for Chlamydia trachomatis

Mundy L, Hiller JE
Record ID 32010000761
Authors' recommendations: Initial studies with the Rapid Chlamydia test combined with either the FirstBurst collection device or vaginal swabs for women, appears to have good sensitivity and specificity for the rapid detection of chlamydia, depending on the prevalence of chlamydia in the tested population. The Rapid test has the advantage that results can be given to the patient within a short time frame and if found to be positive, patients can be given immediate treatment. The targeting and testing of young males may be an effective way in which to reduce the infective pool and to halt the increase in chlamydia infection rates. The rapid Chlamydia test may be of use in rural and remote areas and in public hospital settings. Whether or not this test may be useful for screening populations remains to be ascertained. However, based on initial promising results from studies, the rapid increase in infection rates and the need to reduce the number of new chlamydia infections in the population by identifying asymptomatic individuals HealthPACT have recommended that this technology be monitored for further information in 12 months time.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2009
URL for published report: Not Available
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Australia
MeSH Terms
  • Urinalysis
Organisation Name: Adelaide Health Technology Assessment
Contact Address: School of Public Health, Mail Drop 545, University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, AUSTRALIA, Tel: +61 8 8313 4617
Contact Name: ahta@adelaide.edu.au
Contact Email: ahta@adelaide.edu.au
Copyright: Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA)
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