[Risk factor analysis and probability of fragility fracture in a cohort of women with bone densitometry indication]

Tebe C, Espallargues M, Estrada MD, Casas L, Di Gregorio S
Record ID 32010000691
Authors' objectives:

Osteoporosis is a disorder of the skeletal system characterized by the loss of bonemass, that predisposes individuals to fractures. Fractures for fragility represent, a main public health problem in our context. The aims of this study were to describe the characteristics of a cohort with a bone densitomety indication, and to evaluate the predictive capacity of FRAX® model in such cohort.

Authors' recommendations: Our results show that the main risk factors for osteoporosis and fracture for fragility are age and the densitometry result. On the other hand the predictive capacity of the FRAX model is unequal according to the age of the patients, but it seems to be advisable to predict the risk of fracture of hip in the 65-year-old minor women and the risk of total fracture in 65-year-old major women.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2010
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Spain
MeSH Terms
  • Female
  • Osteoporosis
  • Risk Assessment
Organisation Name: Agencia de Qualitat i Avaluacio Sanitries de Catalunya
Contact Address: Antoni Parada, CAHTA, Roc Boronat, 81-95 (2nd floor), 08005 Barcelona, Spain, Tel. +34 935 513 928, Fax: +34 935 517 510
Contact Name: direccio@aatrm.catsalut.net / aparada@aatrm.catsalut.net
Contact Email: direccio@aatrm.catsalut.net / aparada@aatrm.catsalut.net
Copyright: Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ)
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