Long-term efficacy and safety of a treatment strategy for HIV infection using protease inhibitor monotherapy: 8-year routine clinical care follow-up from a randomised, controlled, open-label pragmatic trial (PIVOT)

Paton NI, Stohr W, Arenas-Pinto A, Clarke A, Williams I, Johnson M, Orkin C, Chen F, Lee V, Winston A, Gompels M, Fox J, Sanders K, Dunn DT
Record ID 32010000401
Original Title: A randomised controlled trial of a protease inhibitor monotherapy versus continuing combination antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 infected patients previously established on a dual nucleoside and non-nucleoside combination regimen
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2024
Requestor: NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme
URL for additional information: https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/06/403/501#/
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Full HTA
Country: England, United Kingdom
MeSH Terms
  • Drug Therapy, Combination
  • HIV Infections
  • HIV Protease Inhibitors
  • Anti-HIV Agents
  • Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active
Organisation Name: NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme
Contact Address: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health and Care Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK
Contact Name: journals.library@nihr.ac.uk
Contact Email: journals.library@nihr.ac.uk
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