Samarium-153-lexidronam for bone pain due to skeletal metastases

Medical Services Advisory Committee
Record ID 31999009756
Authors' objectives:

This report summarises the assessment of current evidence for samarium-153-lexidronam injection for the treatment of bone pain in patients with skeletal metastases.

Authors' recommendations: On the basis of evidence supporting its safety, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, the supporting committee for this application recommends that Sm-153-lexidronam be subsidised for the relief of bone pain in patients with skeletal metastases (as indicated by a positive bone scan) from the following malignancies: i. carcinoma of the prostate, where hormonal therapy has failed; or ii. carcinoma of the breast, where hormonal therapy and chemotherapy have failed; and either: a. the disease is poorly controlled by conventional radiotherapy; or b. conventional radiotherapy is inappropriate, due to the wide distribution of sites of bone pain.
Authors' methods: Systematic review
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 1999
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Australia
MeSH Terms
  • Analgesics, Non-Narcotic
  • Neoplasm Metastasis
  • Bone Neoplasms
  • Pain
  • Samarium
Organisation Name: Medical Services Advisory Committee
Contact Address: MSAC (MDP 107), GPO Box 9848, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. Tel: +61 2 6289 6811; Fax: +61 2 6289 8799.
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Copyright: Medical Services Advisory Committee
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