Positron emission tomography: descriptive analysis of experience with PET in VA. A systematic review update of FDG-PET as a diagnostic test in cancer and Alzheimer's disease
Adams E, Flynn K
Record ID 31999009742
Authors' objectives:
This report was prepared in response to a request by senior VA managers to update the 1996 VATAP report. It reviews the literature on the performance of dedicated PET systems and gamma camera systems with coincidence detection capabilities in selected cancers of the head and neck, breast, lung and colorectum, as well as Alzheimer's disease, published since September 1996
Authors' recommendations:
The prevailing evidence does not support the use of either dedicated or modified camera-based PET as a diagnostic test for the applications in this review. The TA Program identified several methodologically rigorous studies of other diagnostic imaging modalities that could serve as models for designing higher quality PET research
Systematic reviews from other technology assessment agencies, which used methods similar to VHA's derived similar conclusions. As in VHA, patients with cancer constitute a considerable burden to the health systems represented by these agencies, and there is growing support for assessing either PET modality in the work up of these patients.
Several cooperative trials, including a VHA cooperative study of PET in solitary pulmonary nodules, are ongoing or planned. Clinicians should await the results of these efforts before incorporating PET into routine diagnostic strategies.
Authors' methods:
Systematic review
Project Status:
Year Published:
English language abstract:
An English language summary is available
Publication Type:
Not Assigned
United States
MeSH Terms
- Tomography, Emission-Computed
- Alzheimer Disease
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Neoplasms
Organisation Name:
VA Technology Assessment Program
Contact Address:
Liz Adams, VA Technology Assessment Program, Office of Patient Care Services (11T), VA Boston Healthcare System Room 4D-142, 150 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02130 USA Tel: +1 617 278 4469; Fax: +1 617 264 6587;
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs
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