Screening for lipid disorders in children and adolescents:systematic evidence review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Haney EM, Huffman LH, Bougatsos C, Freeman M, Fu R, Steiner RD, Helfand M, Nelson HD
Record ID 32008000057
Authors' objectives:

Context. Dyslipidemias, disorders of lipid metabolism, are important risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD). Identification of children with dyslipidemias could lead to interventions aimed at decreasing their risk of CHD as adults. Objective. To determine the strengths and limits of evidence about the effectiveness of selecting, testing, and managing children and adolescents with dyslipidemia in the course of routine primary care. Screening children and adolescents has the potential to identify three groups with dyslipidemia: those with 1) undiagnosed monogenic dyslipidemia, 2) undiagnosed secondary dyslipidemia, and 3) idiopathic dyslipidemia (polygenic, risk factor associated, or multifactorial). Key questions examined a chain of evidence about the accuracy and feasibility of screening children in various settings, tracking of lipid levels through childhood to adulthood, role of risk factors in selecting children for screening, effectiveness of interventions for children identified with dyslipidemia, and adverse effects of screening and interventions.

Authors' results and conclusions: Studies were summarized by descriptive methods and rated for quality using criteria developed by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). Normal values for lipids for children and adolescents are currently defined according to population levels (percentiles). More recent studies indicate age, sex, and racial differences and temporal trends that shift cut points. Tracking of lipid levels through childhood is strongest for TC and LDL. Approximately 40-55% of children with elevated total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) defined by percentile will continue to have elevated lipids on follow-up. Current screening recommendations based on family history will fail to detect substantial numbers (30-60%) of children with elevated lipids. Evidence from epidemiologic studies establish a strong statistical association between overweight and elevations in lipids whereas other risk factors (diet, physical inactivity, aerobic capacity/fitness, puberty level and smoking) have not been adequately assessed. Currently recommended screening strategies have limited diagnostic accuracy, low adherence to guidelines by providers, and limited compliance by parents and children. No trials compare strategies of screening in children. Parental noncompliance with screening and follow-up recommendations is reported. Drug treatment for dyslipidemia in children has been studied only in children with familial monogenic dyslipidemias (familial hypercholesterolemia [FH] or familial combined hyperlipidemia [FCH]). In this population, 9 randomized controlled trials demonstrate the effectiveness of statins for reducing TC and LDL (% mean reduction from meta-analysis of trials: 24.4%[95% CI 19.5, 29.2] for TC, 30.8% [95% CI 24.1, 37.5] for LDL, 8 studies). Two fair quality trials showed benefit from bile acid binding resins. Randomized controlled trials of diet supplements (psyllium, oat, garlic extract, and sterol margarine) and advice showed marginal improvements in lipids in children with monogenic dyslipidemia. For children without monogenic dyslipidemia, a good quality study showed that high intensity counseling is effective in reducing TC and LDL levels while the intervention is sustained, but not after it ceases. Other studies of diet advice showed no or minimal improvement. Dietary fiber supplements had mixed results in two trials in children and adolescents without monogenic dyslipidemia, and one oat bran supplement trial showed no effect. Six trials of exercise demonstrated little or no improvements in lipids for children without monogenic dyslipidemia (% mean reduction from meta-analysis of trials: 0% [-5.6, 5.6] for TC, 3.1% [-7.7, 1.5] for LDL, 4 studies). Eighty-one controlled and non-controlled studies of treatment reported a variety of adverse effects of drug, diet, exercise, and combination therapy in children and adolescents. There are reports of growth retardation and nutritional dwarfing in children and adolescents for whom formal dietary assessment and advice was delayed. Although reported adverse effects were not serious, studies were generally small and not of sufficient duration to determine long-term effects of either short or extended use.
Authors' recommendations: Normal values for lipids for children and adolescents are currently defined according to population levels (percentiles). Tracking of lipid levels in children is variable, although evidence is stronger for TC and LDL than for HDL and TG. Screening using family history misses substantial numbers of children with elevated lipids. Most trials of drug interventions demonstrate improvement, but these trials were performed in selected groups of children. Several key questions could not be addressed because of lack of studies, including the effectiveness of screening on adult CHD or lipid outcomes, optimal ages and intervals for screening children, cost-effectiveness of screening, or the effects of treatment of lipids in childhood on adult CHD outcomes.
Authors' methods: Review
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2007
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: United States
MeSH Terms
  • Child
  • Hyperlipidemias
  • Mass Screening
Organisation Name: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Contact Address: Center for Outcomes and Evidence Technology Assessment Program, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850, USA. Tel: +1 301 427 1610; Fax: +1 301 427 1639;
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Copyright: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
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