Progesterone for the prevention of preterm birth

Record ID 32008000036
Authors' objectives: Progesterone is administered during pregnancy either vaginally (suppository) or intramuscularly (injection) beginning in the second trimester of pregnancy in asymptomatic women at high risk of spontaneous preterm delivery due to various risk factors, including previous preterm delivery or preterm labor, multiple pregnancy, or short cervix, or orally (capsules) in pregnant women admitted with signs of imminent preterm labor, with the objectives of preventing preterm birth, prolonging gestation, and preventing associated infant mortality and morbidity.
Authors' methods: Review
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2007
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: United States
MeSH Terms
  • Premature Birth
  • Progesterone
Organisation Name: HAYES, Inc.
Contact Address: 157 S. Broad Street, Suite 200, Lansdale, PA 19446, USA. Tel: 215 855 0615; Fax: 215 855 5218
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Copyright: 2007 Winifred S. Hayes, Inc
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