Electromagnetic navigation (SuperDimension/Bronchus(R)) and echo-endoscopy for the diagnosis of peripheral and mediastinal lesions - systematic review, expert panel

Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques
Record ID 32006001429
Project Status: Completed
URL for project: http://cedit.aphp.fr
Year Published: 2006
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
MeSH Terms
  • Electromagnetic Phenomena
  • Endosonography
  • Sensitivity and Specificity
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Lung Neoplasms
  • Mediastinal Diseases
  • Mediastinal Neoplasms
Organisation Name: Cellule Innovation of the AP-HP
Copyright: Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT)
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