Outcome of the scoping for an health technology assessment in homeopathy

NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
Record ID 32006000902
Authors' recommendations: 1. In NHSScotland treatment is available at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital (GHH), and at out-patient clinics in Ayrshire, Edinburgh and Dundee. There are long waiting lists at each of these clinics. Additionally some GPs practise homeopathy within their regular surgeries. The majority of homeopathy in Scotland is provided by private homeopaths and their clinics tend to be located in cities. There are inequalities in access to homeopathy across Scotland and a lack of information on when its use is appropriate. 2. The cost of out-patient treatment is comprised almost entirely of the consultation time for a homeopath. 3. The evidence for the clinical and economic effectiveness of homeopathy has been reviewed recently and it is likely that only marginal gains would be made by carrying out an HTA of homeopathy as a general system of treatment. However, whilst there is a lack of clear evidence for the clinical effectiveness of homeopathy, other features which may be important in the homeopathic approach (and relevant to other aspects of health care) such as "integrative care" have not been researched. 4. The current paucity of evidence clearly highlights the need for more research in the area of homeopathy; a view shared by several consultees and a common recommendation of existing reviews published in homeopathy. 5. The cost effectiveness of the integrative approach could be studied using data available within Scottish National Datasets for patients with chronic conditions (ie conditions that have lasted for more than a year) who have attended GHH. 6. NHS Quality Improvement Scotland will not undertake an HTA at this time as there is little benefit to be gained.
Authors' methods: Scoping review
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2006
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Scotland
MeSH Terms
  • Homeopathy
  • Private Practice
Organisation Name: Quality Improvement Scotland
Contact Address: Delta House, 50 West Nile Street Glasgow G1 2NP Scotland United Kingdom Tel: +44 141 225 6988; Fax: +44 141 221 3262
Contact Name: shtg.hcis@nhs.net
Contact Email: shtg.hcis@nhs.net
Copyright: NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (NHS QIS)
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