Implications on every day life of AD/HD and related disorders

Center for Medical Technology Assessment
Record ID 32006000477
Project Status: Completed
URL for project:
Year Published: 2005
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Sweden
MeSH Terms
  • Activities of Daily Living
  • Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
  • Child
  • Social Behavior
Organisation Name: Center for Medical Technology Assessment
Contact Address: Department of Health and Society, Linkopings Universitet, SE-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden Tel: +46 13 22 49 93 Fax: +46 13 22 49 95
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Copyright: Center for Medical Technology Assessment (CMT)
This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA or other HTA producer. No evaluation of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database.