Physician and nurse staffing in spinal cord injury care: relation to outcomes

Flynn K
Record ID 32006000190
Authors' objectives:

The aim of this report was to determine the number of medical staff needed to provide the best medical care for patients with spinal cord injury. In particular, VA was interested in the number of nurses needed in the hospital and the number of nurses and physicians needed in outpatient clinics. The number of staff needed was to be determined by outcomes important to clinicians and patients with spinal cord injury.

Authors' results and conclusions: The review identified several studies: only one was directly relevant to this topic; five studies addressed care of spinal cord injury patients, but not in outpatient or extended care settings. The VHA found good studies on nursing in general medical-surgical hospitals that patients recover better in hospitals that focus on nursing and maintain good relations between nurses and physicians. The VHA did not find evidence on the numbers of nurses and physicians needed in outpatient clinics that treat patients with spinal cord injury. In addition, a tool for measuring outcomes in patients with spinal cord injury was not identified.
Authors' recommendations: Patients in general, and possibly also those with spinal cord injuries, recover better in hospitals that focus on nursing and maintain good relations between nurses and physicians. Additional information is needed to determine the numbers of nurses and physicians needed in outpatient clinics to treat patients with spinal cord injury. Additional research is needed to determine the staffing needs of nurses and physicians in outpatient clinics to treat patients with spinal cord injury and identify a reliable outcome measure for patients with spinal cord injury.
Authors' methods: Overview
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2003
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: United States
MeSH Terms
  • Nursing Staff
  • Personnel Staffing and Scheduling
  • Physicians
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
Organisation Name: VA Technology Assessment Program
Contact Address: Liz Adams, VA Technology Assessment Program, Office of Patient Care Services (11T), VA Boston Healthcare System Room 4D-142, 150 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02130 USA Tel: +1 617 278 4469; Fax: +1 617 264 6587;
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Copyright: Technology Assessment Unit, Office of Patient Care Services, US Department of Veterans Affairs (VATAP)
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