Should one or two embryos be transferred in IVF? A health technology assessment

Ingerslev H J, Poulsen P B, Kesmodel U, Hojgaard A, Pinborg A, Henriksen T B, Seeberg J, Ottosen L D
Record ID 32005001230
Authors' objectives:

The 1997 guideline from the Danish National Board of Health recommends that a maximum of two fresh embryos should be transferred in the same treatment. The couple should also be involved in the decision-making process and therefore needs to receive the necessary information. The purpose of the guideline is to minimize the number of transferred embryos and at the same time ensure that the treatment meets the couples' desire of having a child.

The Danish Council of Ethics and the Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health have asked for more studies concerning consequences of different IVF-strategies to be able to improve the basis for decision-making.

This HTA-project contributes with the information in demand by discussing the consequences of implementing an obligatory single embryo transfer (SET) policy versus optional two embryo transfer in Denmark. The focus is on consequences for pregnancy rates, the couples preferences and knowledge and on economical and organisational aspects.

Authors' recommendations: The report cannot unambiguously recommend that in future only one embryo should be transferred in IVF. But the report explains the consequences of using one transferring method in preference to the other. By this it contributes with relevant information to decision-makers at clinical and political level, as well as to the infertile couples.
Authors' methods: Review
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2005
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Denmark
Organisation Name: Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment
Contact Address: National Board of Health, PO Box 1881, Islands Brygge 67, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark. Tel: 45 72 22 74 48; Fax: 45 72 22 74 07/67
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Copyright: Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment (DACEHTA)
This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA or other HTA producer. No evaluation of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database.