Colorectal cancer screening: Integrating coloscopy/sigmoidoscopy into the Austrian preventive medical check up. An unsystematic review

Jonas S, Rafetseder O, Wild C
Record ID 32005000667
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2003
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Austria
MeSH Terms
  • Austria
  • Colonoscopy
  • Mass Screening
  • Occult Blood
  • Sigmoidoscopy
  • Colonic Neoplasms
  • Colorectal Neoplasms
  • Sigmoid Neoplasms
Organisation Name: Institute of Technology Assessment
Contact Address: Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fur Health Technology Assessment, Garnisongasse 7/rechte Stiege Mezzanin (Top 20) 1090 Vienna, Austria. Tel: +43 (0)1 236 8119 12; Fax: +43 (0)1 236 8119 99
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Copyright: HTA Unit of the Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA)
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