Long-term oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation at home. IPE-95/01 (Public report)
Conde Olasagasti J L, Saez Calvo A, Escarrabill Sanglas J, Masa Jimenez J F, Largo Aguado F
Record ID 31999008003
Authors' objectives:
The objective of this report is to assess the value of long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy (LTDOT) and home mechanical ventilation (HMV) for chronic respiratory failure.
Authors' results and conclusions:
In Spain, the prevalence of long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy (LTDOT), is higher than in other countries. Its territoral distribution is largely variable between different provinces. The main question is to establish the cause of this over-use and the basis for development of procedures and guidelines to increase the appropriate use of this technology. The actual procedures to supply LTDOT are too bureaucratic and do not ensure an adequate use of it, as the staff that have contact with patient at home are not health personel but the manufacturer's employers. Continous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is a technology for sleep apnea therapy. Vigorous efforts should be made to avoid alcohol and smoking and to reduce the overweight of these kind of patients before indicating the use of CPAP. Home mechanical ventilation (HMV) is a technology for respiratory pump failure therapy.
Authors' recommendations:
In order to ensure a more effective and efficient use of LTDOT, health care ambulatory staff directly related to patients must visit them at home in order to provide information and to explain to them the correct use of this technology. The fund savings could be used for investing in other technologies such as HMV. CPAP has an uncertain real clinical benefit for extended use in sleep apnea because there is a lack of rigorous trials in this technology. CPAP may possibly have utility in heavy and dangerous diurnal sleepness. HMV technology is seldom used by patients, but in cases of respiratory pump failure dramatically improve their life-threatening condition and their quality of life.
Authors' methods:
Project Status:
URL for project:
Year Published:
English language abstract:
An English language summary is available
Publication Type:
Not Assigned
MeSH Terms
- Home Care Services
- Lung Diseases, Obstructive
- Oxygen Inhalation Therapy
- Positive-Pressure Respiration
- Sleep Apnea Syndromes
Organisation Name:
Agencia de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias
Contact Address:
Instituto de Salud "Carlos III", Calle Sinesio Delgado 6, Pabellon 4, 28029 Madrid, Spain. Tel: +34 9 1 822 2005; Fax: +34 9 1 387 7841;
Contact Name:
Luis M. Sánchez Gómez
Contact Email:
Agencia de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias (AETS)
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