Changing professional practice: theory and practice of clinical guidelines implementation

Thorsen T, Makela M
Record ID 31998009886
Danish, English
Authors' objectives:

This book takes the reader through issues related to the introduction and use of clinical guidelines. In a multidisciplinary approach, it deals with concepts, methods, and theories relevant for studying the barriers and facilitators for the adoption of a guideline, the implementation process, the outcome, the costs etc.

Project Status: Completed
URL for project:
Year Published: 1999
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Denmark
MeSH Terms
  • Guidelines as Topic
  • Practice Guidelines as Topic
Organisation Name: Danish Institute for Health Services Research
Contact Address: DSI, PO Box 2595, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: +45 35 29 8400; Fax: +45 35 29 8499
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Copyright: Danish Institute for Health Services Research (DSI)
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