Electrocardiogram (ECG) testing

Foreman J
Record ID 31998008941
Authors' objectives:

This paper supports guidelines developed by the Health Services Utilization and Research Commission in conjunction with a working group.

In the development of the guidelines, Saskatchewan's current electrocardiogram (ECG) utilization rates were examined and contrasted with utilization rates in comparable jurisdictions. In addition, the medical literature was carefully reviewed to determine the appropriate conditions for the use of the ECG.

This paper details the rationale for the guidelines and provides references for further reading.

Authors' recommendations: The preoperative ECG may provide important information for patients at increased risk of perioperative cardiac complications. This includes patients with certain physiologic characteristics, patients undergoing cardiac-intensive procedures, and patients prescribed certain pharmacologic agents. The preoperative ECG is an inadequate screening tool in asymptomatic individuals and is of little assistance in guiding decisions regarding the course of surgery. The evidence to suggest that age is an independent risk factor for perioperative cardiac morbidity is weak and the risk of false positives remains high even in an older asymptomatic population. The yield of a baseline preoperative ECG in asymptomatic individuals is very low and has not been shown to improve subsequent diagnostic accuracy.
Authors' methods: Overview
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 1993
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Canada
MeSH Terms
  • Electrocardiography
  • Perioperative Care
  • Heart Diseases
Organisation Name: Health Services Utilization and Research Commission
Contact Address: Health Services Utilization and Research Committee Box 46, 103 Hospital Drive, Saskatoon SK S7N 0W8, Canada Tel: (306) 655-1500, Fax: (306) 655-1462
Contact Name: nisbetb@sdh.sk.ac. This organisation is now closed. Please see the Health Quality Council (HQC) website for further information at: http://www.hqc.sk.ca/.
Contact Email: nisbetb@sdh.sk.ac. This organisation is now closed. Please see the Health Quality Council (HQC) website for further information at: http://www.hqc.sk.ca/.
Copyright: Health Services Utilization and Research Commission
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