Association between complex regional pain syndrome, ketamine use, lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction
WorkSafeBC Evidence-Based Practice Group, Martin CW
Record ID 32018013678
Authors' objectives:
A comprehensive and systematic literature search was conducted on June 11, 2024. The search was done on commercial medical literature databases. Combination of keywords were employed in this search. No limitation, such as on the language and date of publication was employed in this search. A manual search was done on the references of the articles that were retrieved in full.
Authors' results and conclusions:
Searching on complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), 11, none, and 35 published studies were identified with regard to lower urinary tract infection, overactive bladder syndrome and erectile dysfunction, respectively. No published study was identified when searching on the potential effect of intravenous ketamine as well as ketamine infusion on lower urinary tract infection, overactive bladder syndrome and erectile dysfunction, respectively. When we expanded our search on to ketamine application in general, 185, two and 135 published studies were identified when combined with lower urinary tract infection, overactive bladder syndrome and erectile dysfunction, respectively. Upon examination of the titles and abstracts of these 368 published studies, 21 studies were thought to be relevant and were retrieved in full for further appraisal. Of the 21 studies that were retrieved in full, six studies did not provide any relevant data or duplicate publication of the same data and will not be discussed further. Five further studies were retrieved as the result of a manual search. As such, overall, 20 published studies were included in this systematic review. At present, there is no published data reporting on the development of bladder symptoms associated with CRPS. At present, there is no published data reporting on the development of erectile dysfunction associated with CRPS. At present, there is some evidence on the development of bladder symptoms associated with ketamine use. Almost all the evidence came from studies among ketamine abusers. The evidence also shows potential dependence of dosage and duration of ketamine use. At present, there is some evidence, in the form of case reports and small case series (level of evidence 4), on the bladder symptoms associated with oral ketamine use to treat chronic pain or depression.
Authors' methods:
A comprehensive and systematic literature search was conducted on June 11, 2024. The search was done on commercial medical literature databases. Combination of keywords were employed in this search. No limitation, such as on the language and date of publication was employed in this search. A manual search was done on the references of the articles that were retrieved in full.
Project Status:
URL for project:
Year Published:
English language abstract:
An English language summary is available
Publication Type:
Mini HTA
MeSH Terms
- Complex Regional Pain Syndromes
- Ketamine
- Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
- Erectile Dysfunction
- lower urinary tract
- erectile dysfunction
- complex regional pain syndrome
- ketamine
Organisation Name:
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6591 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC, V7C 1C6 Canada. Tel: 604-231-8417; Fax: 604-279-7698
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WorkSafe BC
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