Patient buy-in to social prescribing through link workers as part of person-centred care: a realist evaluation

Tierney S, Wong G, Westlake D, Turk A, Markham S, Gorenberg J, Reeve J, Mitchell C, Husk K, Redwood S, Meacock T, Pope C, Baird B, Mahtani KR
Record ID 32018013285
Authors' objectives: Social prescribing link workers have become part of primary health care in recent years. They help patients to recognise non-medical factors affecting their health and identify sources of support, often in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. They form part of wider work to strengthen person-centred care, which actively seeks to engage individuals in decision-making about their health, taking into account their medical, social, psychological, financial and spiritual circumstances. To understand how buy-in to social prescribing and the link worker role is established for a patient, and how this relates to person-centred care.
Authors' results and conclusions: Data highlighted how patients might be uncertain about the link worker role but agree to a referral as they sought assistance with their non-medical issues. Patients talked about experiencing a sense of hope through the trust they developed in a link worker. This trust was established through the communication skills and knowledge demonstrated by a link worker, and by their ability to act as an anchor point when required – a reliable, consistent source of support to whom patients could offload. The link worker role also involved connecting patients to external support, which called for sensitivity around how ready someone was to move forward; this was shaped by a patient’s motivation but also their capacity to make changes given other demands in their life. Connecting patients to external support could be affected by structural factors outside the link workers’ control (e.g. housing options or employment opportunities). Person-centred care is engendered by link workers through their skills, knowledge and ability to respond to the individual readiness of patients to engage with external support. It can be curtailed by structural factors outside link workers’ sphere of control, such as access to housing or caring responsibilities of patients. This can hinder patients’ ability to ‘connect to’, leaving link workers to continue ‘connecting with’ patients as they act as an anchor point.
Authors' methods: A realist evaluation. Patients engaging with link workers in seven different parts of England were involved. As part of data collection, we observed link workers interacting with 35 patients. We also interviewed 61 patients and re-interviewed 41 of them 9–12 months later. Data were coded and developed into context–mechanism–outcome configurations, which were used to produce a programme theory. We did not interview patients who had rejected the offer of social prescribing, and most had a positive view of meeting with a link worker.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2024
URL for additional information: English
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Full HTA
Country: England, United Kingdom
MeSH Terms
  • Social Support
  • Referral and Consultation
  • Social Work
  • Patient Participation
Organisation Name: NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research programme
Contact Address: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health and Care Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK
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