Strengthening open disclosure in maternity services in the English NHS: the DISCERN realist evaluation study

Adams MA, Bevan C, Booker M, Hartley J, Heazell AE, Montgomery E, Sanford N, Treadwell M, Sandall J
Record ID 32018013217
Authors' objectives: There is a policy drive in NHS maternity services to improve open disclosure with harmed families and limited information on how better practice can be achieved. To identify critical factors for improving open disclosure from the perspectives of families, doctors, midwives and services and to produce actionable evidence for service improvement. A range of interventions have been introduced in the UK NHS to improve post-incident communication and support of injured families. However, there is limited evidence on the progress of this work and how improvements in open disclosure (OD) are to be embedded.
Authors' results and conclusions: The policy review identified a shift from viewing injured families as passive recipients to active contributors of post-incident learning, but a lack of actionable guidance for improving family involvement. The realist synthesis found weak evidence of the effectiveness of open disclosure interventions in the international maternity literature, but some improvements with organisation-wide interventions. Recent evidence was predominantly from the United Kingdom. The research identified and explored five key mechanisms for open disclosure: meaningful acknowledgement of harm; involvement of those affected in reviews/investigations; support for families’ own sense-making; psychological safely of skilled clinicians (doctors and midwives); and knowing that improvements to care have happened. The need for each family to make sense of the incident in their own terms is noted. The selective initiatives of some clinicians to be more open with some families is identified. The challenges of an adversarial medicolegal landscape and limited support for meeting incentivised targets is evidenced. We identify the need for service-wide systems to ensure that injured families are positioned at the centre of post-incident events, ensure appropriate training and post-incident care of clinicians, and foster ongoing engagement with families beyond the individual efforts made by some clinicians for some families. The need for legislative revisions to promote openness with families across NHS organisations, and wider changes in organisational family engagement practices, is indicated. Examination of how far the study’s findings apply to different English maternity services, and a wider rethinking of how family diversity can be encouraged in maternity services research. Literature reviews Our scoping review of policy documents (n = 39) identified a shift from a paternalistic view of injured families as passive recipients of care to active contributors in reviews, investigations, learning and quality improvement. Two overlapping policy trajectories were identified: one related to the Duty of Candour (DoC) and one related to maternity safety more widely. Seven themes were identified: building trust in organisations; improving systems of care and ensuring accountability; improving the safety of maternity care and saying sorry; shifting to individualised, relational care; enhancing communication; conceptualising families as active partners rather than passive recipients; and enabling families to guide the process. Although the progression of how family involvement is discussed and considered in policy is moving in a positive direction, we note the opportunity for future, specific, actionable recommendations to ensure these ideals translate into practice. In the realist synthesis, documents (n = 39) were appraised for ‘fitness-for-purpose’, that together documented primary evidence of 21 OD improvement interventions from which we identified 5 initial programme theories. Interventions documented were predominantly from USA, Australasia, and, more recently, UK sources. We identified limited evidence of the effectiveness of interventions documented. We found a difference between interventions that were adjuncts to more general safety improvement projects, and organisation-wide interventions focused on post-incident communication and care of injured families. Identified programme theories were: receiving a meaningful acknowledgement of the harm that has happened, being involved during the review/investigation process, making sense of what happened, receiving care from clinicians who are skilled and feel psychologically safe during post-incident communication and knowing that things have changed because of what has happened. This study is the first to establish a national overview and in-depth analysis of the progress of interventions intended to support OD with families. It provides an evidence base of experiences of harmed families (incidents ranging from 2007 to 2021) and of clinicians and managers working in this field (2020–1). There are growing calls for service-level improvements in responsiveness to the experiences and needs of families post incident as well as to their calls for greater openness. However, we find that without dedicated investment in and focus on the post-incident care of families and the emotional and organisational demands of this work on clinicians; without an understanding of these needs by external agencies incentivising improvement; and without national revision in the medicolegal landscape where this work happens, candour about harm in health care will continue to divide the interests of families, staff and services.
Authors' methods: A three-phased, qualitative study using realist methodology. Phase 1: two literature reviews: scoping review of post-2013 NHS policy and realist synthesis of initial programme theories for improvement; an interview study with national stakeholders in NHS maternity safety and families. Phase 2: in-depth ethnographic case studies within three NHS maternity services in England. Phase 3: interpretive forums with study participants. A patient and public involvement strategy underpinned all study phases. National recruitment (study phases 1 and 3); three English maternity services (study phase 2). We completed n = 142 interviews, including 27 with families; 93 hours of ethnographic observations, including 52 service and family meetings over 9 months; and interpretive forums with approximately 69 people, including 11 families. Research was conducted after the pandemic, with exceptional pressure on services. Case-study ethnography was of three higher performing services: generalisation from case-study findings is limited. No observations of Health Safety Investigation Branch investigations were possible without researcher access. Family recruitment did not reflect population diversity with limited representation of non-white families, families with disabilities and other socially marginalised groups and disadvantaged groups.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2024
URL for additional information: English
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Full HTA
Country: England, United Kingdom
MeSH Terms
  • Hospitals, Maternity
  • Maternal Health Services
  • Disclosure
  • Pregnancy
  • State Medicine
  • Patient Harm
Organisation Name: NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research programme
Contact Address: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health and Care Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK
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