Immunogenicity and seroefficacy of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Feng S, McLellan J, Pidduck N, Roberts N, Higgins JPT, Choi Y, Izu A, Jit M, Madhi SA, Mulholland K, Pollard AJ, Procter S, Temple B, Voysey M
Record ID 32018013115
Authors' objectives: Vaccination of infants with pneumococcal conjugate vaccines is recommended by the World Health Organization. Evidence is mixed regarding the differences in immunogenicity and efficacy of the different pneumococcal vaccines. The primary objective was to compare the immunogenicity of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10 versus pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13. The main secondary objective was to compare the seroefficacy of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10 versus pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13. The primary objective of the systematic review was to compare the immunogenicity of PCV10 versus PCV13 for each serotype contained in the vaccines. The secondary objectives were: to compare the seroefficacy of PCV10 versus PCV13 for each serotype contained in the vaccines for PCV10 and PCV13 separately, to estimate immunogenicity and seroefficacy in comparison with the older PCV7 vaccine to determine how the comparisons of immunogenicity and efficacy of PCV10 to PCV13 are affected by the co-administration of different routine vaccines.
Authors' results and conclusions: In total, 47 studies were eligible from 38 countries. Twenty-eight and 12 studies with data available were included in immunogenicity and seroefficacy analyses, respectively. Geometric mean ratios comparing pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13 versus pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10 favoured pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13 for serotypes 4, 9V and 23F at 1 month after primary vaccination series, with 1.14- to 1.54-fold significantly higher immunoglobulin G responses with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13. Risk of seroinfection prior to the time of booster dose was lower for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13 for serotype 4, 6B, 9V, 18C and 23F than for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10. Significant heterogeneity and inconsistency were present for most serotypes and for both outcomes. Twofold higher antibody after primary vaccination was associated with a 54% decrease in risk of seroinfection (relative risk 0.46, 95% confidence interval 0.23 to 0.96). In modelled scenarios, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13 or pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10 introduction in 2006 resulted in a reduction in cases that was less rapid for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10 than for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13. The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13 programme was predicted to avoid an additional 2808 (95% confidence interval 2690 to 2925) cases of invasive pneumococcal disease compared with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10 introduction between 2006 and 2030. Serotype-specific differences were found in immunogenicity and seroefficacy between pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13 and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10. Higher antibody response after vaccination was associated with a lower risk of subsequent infection. These methods can be used to compare the pneumococcal conjugate vaccines and optimise vaccination strategies. For future work, seroefficacy estimates can be determined for other pneumococcal vaccines, which could contribute to licensing or policy decisions for new pneumococcal vaccines. Database registry and hand searches identified 4699 publication records of which 47 studies (78 publication reports) satisfied our eligibility criteria. Nineteen studies (24 publication reports) were excluded from the analysis: 6 studies did not provide individual patient or aggregate data and 13 studies (18 publication reports) were studies with the vaccines of interest, but it was not possible to form a loop within the NMA to provide indirect evidence. The remaining 28 studies (54 publication records) from 2009 to 2023 were included in the NMAs. Twenty-two studies provided individual participant data with a further five studies reporting aggregate data. Immunogenicity Geometric mean ratios for comparisons between PCV13 versus PCV10 for any primary series schedule were higher for PCV13 for serotypes 4, 7F, 9V and 23F at 1 month after primary vaccination series, with 1.14- to 1.54-fold higher IgG responses with PCV13. Additional serotypes contained only in the PCV13 vaccine (3, 6A and 19A) also favoured PCV13 as expected. GMRs were similar for the remaining serotypes (1, 5, 6B, 14, 18C and 19F). GMRs favoured PCV7 over either PCV13 or PCV10 for serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14 and 23F. There was no difference in GMRs for serotypes 18C and 19F across three vaccines. At the pre-booster time point, data were available from 18 cohorts. IgG responses were lower with PCV13 compared with PCV10 for all PCV7 serotypes except for serotype 14, with the point estimates of GMRs comparing PCV13 versus PCV10 ranging from 0.44 to 0.78. IgG responses were higher for PCV13 for serotypes 1, 5 and 7F. GMRs comparing PCV13 versus PCV7 showed higher IgG with PCV7 for serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14 and 23F and higher IgG with PCV13 for serotype 19F. At 28 days post booster, data were available from 26 cohorts. GMRs favoured PCV13 over PCV10 for serotype 6B, 9V, 14 and 23F and favoured PCV10 over PCV13 for serotype 18C. For serotype 1, 5 and 7F, antibody responses were higher in PCV13 compared with PCV10. PCV7 recipients had higher geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) compared with PCV13 for all PCV7 serotypes except 6B for which there was no difference, and 19F, which favoured PCV13. For PCV13-only serotypes (3, 6A and 19A), GMRs favour PCV13 at all three time points. Substantial heterogeneity and network inconsistency were present for most serotypes at all three time points. To explore potential reasons for the observed heterogeneity, we summarised cohort-level GMRs and RRs for each vaccine comparison. These descriptive analyses revealed a lack of consistency in the direction of study-level estimates within each vaccine comparison, resulting in the significant heterogenicity. There was also no observable pattern in any trial-level variable (region, co-administered vaccines, vaccine schedule), from which one might propose a mechanism that would adequately explain this variation in GMRs. In our study, we used a novel methodology to define seroinfection from immunogenicity data to compare the relative efficacy of PCVs in preventing infection. Our results using individual-level data from a global meta-analysis provide the first estimates of the comparative protection afforded by different pneumococcal vaccines and show that for many serotypes, carriage events are less common after PCV13 than PCV10, likely due to a higher antibody response. In addition, we quantify the relationship between the immune response to vaccination and protection against infection, measured serologically, and show that higher antibody responses in infants are associated with greater protection from infection. Licensure of new vaccines is based on non-inferiority comparisons with current vaccines and the proportion of antibody responses above the agreed threshold as a minimum requirement. Once a vaccine meets this ‘at-least-as-good-as’ immunogenicity criteria, it has previously not been clear whether exceeding it is of benefit, and the WHO position paper on pneumococcal vaccines states ‘It is unknown whether a lower serotype-specific GMC of antibody indicates less efficacy’. Our results show that lower protection against subclinical infection does indeed follow from lower antibody production and that two vaccines that produce a similar level of antibody will provide similar levels of protection. The implications of these findings are of greatest importance when a new vaccine roll-out is being considered. Lower antibody production or lower seroefficacy for one vaccine product does not necessarily imply limited effectiveness against invasive pneumococcal diseases when considering vaccines such as PCV10 and PCV13 which are highly effective vaccines in many settings. Instead, lower antibody responses lead to less rapidly observed indirect protection after implementation into a national programme as a smaller proportion of transmission events are blocked by the vaccine. This is evident in the mathematical modelling which showed less rapid decreases in the number of cases of invasive disease when introducing PCV10 compared with PCV13. Implications for practice This evidence of differences in serotype-specific protection can be incorporated into cost-effectiveness models used to compare vaccine products. Cost-effectiveness studies have highlighted the lack of evidence of comparative efficacy for different PCVs, resulting in previous cost-effectiveness models that ignore serotype-specific differences and assume equivalent efficacy for all serotypes covered by different PCVs. Our study fills this evidence gap and allows researchers and policy-makers to use more accurate vaccine-specific models in decision-making. Our cost-effectiveness analysis of a hypothetical scenario showed that introducing infant PCV13 was predicted to avert a higher burden of pneumococcal disease compared with PCV10. This would have realised a small saving of £13 million discounted over 24 years. When considering the introduction of new pneumococcal vaccines into the routine immunisation schedule, we recommend that differences in antibody responses for different vaccines be considered in modelling scenarios as higher antibody responses result in reduced transmission and greater impact on invasive diseases. Vaccine-specific threshold prices can then be determined for cost-effective vaccines. Our analysis showed that due to its higher efficacy against some serotypes, a higher threshold price per dose could be paid for PCV13 while remaining cost-effective.
Authors' methods: We searched the Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, MEDLINE, and up to July 2022. Studies were eligible if they directly compared either pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-7, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10 or pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13 in randomised trials of children under 2 years of age, and provided immunogenicity data for at least one time point. Individual participant data were requested and aggregate data used otherwise. Outcomes included the geometric mean ratio of serotype-specific immunoglobulin G and the relative risk of seroinfection. Seroinfection was defined for each individual as a rise in antibody between the post-primary vaccination series time point and the booster dose, evidence of presumed subclinical infection. Each trial was analysed to obtain the log of the ratio of geometric means and its standard error. The relative risk of seroinfection (‘seroefficacy’) was estimated by comparing the proportion of participants with seroinfection between vaccine groups. The log-geometric mean ratios, log-relative risks and their standard errors constituted the input data for evidence synthesis. For serotypes contained in all three vaccines, evidence could be synthesised using a network meta-analysis. For other serotypes, meta-analysis was used. Results from seroefficacy analyses were incorporated into a mathematical model of pneumococcal transmission dynamics to compare the differential impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-10 and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine-13 introduction on invasive pneumococcal disease cases. The model estimated the impact of vaccine introduction over a 25-year time period and an economic evaluation was conducted. Analyses used data from infant vaccine studies with blood samples taken prior to a booster dose. The impact of extrapolating pre-booster efficacy to post-booster time points is unknown. Network meta-analysis models contained significant heterogeneity which may lead to bias. Systematic review We conducted a systematic review identifying studies that compared the immunogenicity of licensed PCVs in trials which randomised children to one of two different PCVs. The PCVs included in the review were PCV7 (Prevnar; Pfizer), PCV10 (Synflorix; GlaxoSmithKline) and PCV13 (Prevenar 13; Pfizer); PCV7 was included even though no longer available, so that we could compare PCV13 and PCV10 indirectly through them each being compared with PCV7 for the same serotypes. The databases searched were Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, Global Health and MEDLINE. The trial registers searched were ( and WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform ( The search comprised title/abstract keywords and subject headings for pneumococcal vaccines and children. A methodological search filter for randomised controlled trials taken from the Cochrane Handbook was used to limit to randomised controlled trials. Pharmaceutical company websites (GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer) were also hand-searched for relevant studies. No date or language limits were applied.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2024
URL for additional information: English
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Full HTA
Country: England, United Kingdom
MeSH Terms
  • Pneumococcal Infections
  • Pneumococcal Vaccines
  • Infant
  • Child
  • Vaccination
  • Vaccines, Conjugate
  • Infant, Newborn
  • Child, Preschool
  • Immunization Programs
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
Organisation Name: NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme
Contact Address: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health and Care Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK
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