[Cost-effectiveness of gastric bypass]

Castilla I, Ramos-Goñi JM, Mar J, Arrospide A, Valcárcel-Nazco C, Mate Redondo MC
Record ID 32018013070
Original Title: Coste-efectividad del bypass gástrico
Authors' objectives: Analyze the effectiveness of gastric bypass versus non-intervention in people with morbid obesity or obesity grade II with comorbidities, providing information to support decision making regarding the inclusion of such treatment in the health plans.
Authors' results and conclusions: RESULTS: Patients with gastric bypass result in a lifetime increase of 5.533 QALY (18.049 vs 12.516 QALYs QALYs). In addition, because of the reduced spending associated with the treatment of various comorbidities associated with obesity, there is a final savings amounted to € 14,881, being the total cost of the intervention arm almost half of the branch of non-intervention (€ 16,663 vs. € 31,545). CONCLUSIONS: Gastric bypass is an intervention that dominates over the option of not intervening when taking a lifetime horizon.
Authors' methods: We have implemented a discrete event simulation model with two branches: one branch involves gastric bypass, thereby reducing patients’ BMI; and another branch where patients do not pass surgery. The model analyzes the emergence of comorbidities (stroke, coronary obstructive disease, diabetes and breast cancer) associated with obesity during a life time horizon. The selected measure of effectiveness is the health-related quality of life. We applied a discount of 3% to both costs and utilities. We performed a probabilistic sensitivity analysis using secondorder Monte Carlo simulation, calculating acceptability curves and expected value of perfect information.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2011
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Full HTA
Country: Spain
MeSH Terms
  • Obesity
  • Obesity, Morbid
  • Gastric Bypass
  • Weight Loss
  • Bariatric Surgery
  • Gastroplasty
  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
  • Obesity
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Economic evaluation
Organisation Name: Canary Health Service
Contact Address: Dirección del Servicio. Servicio Canario de la Salud, Camino Candelaria 44, 1ª planta, 38109 El Rosario, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Contact Name: sescs@sescs.es
Contact Email: sescs@sescs.es
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