Nurse-led delirium management and prevention

Peachey C, Trivedi K, Ulrick J, Jablonski J, Werkmesiter C, Trotta R, Mull NK
Record ID 32018012818
Authors' objectives: Identify and summarize evidence on nurse-led interventions for delirium management and prevention.
Authors' results and conclusions: ▪ 10 guidelines and 16 systematic reviews were identified that addressed nurse-led interventions for delirium prevention and management. For this report, nurse-led interventions included non-pharmacologic interventions that involve nurses and nursing teams. ▪ The guidelines were grouped into 7 categories: patient population, non-pharmacological interventions, multidisciplinary team, environment of care, staff education, patient education, and family education, although there was some overlap between categories (e.g. environment and non-pharmacological interventions are related). ▪ The use of a multidisciplinary team, in partnership with nursing, to perform non-pharmacological interventions was commonly mentioned across both guidelines and reviews. ▪ The importance of education was clearly a component to incorporate for patients with delirium. More specifically 6 guidelines and 5 reviews mentioned staff education; the AGS/1010 recommended formal education programs with ongoing refreshers. The RNAO specifically focused on the importance of family centered care when providing education to both the person with delirium and their family. ▪ While some guidelines and reviews differed in their specific interventions, a common theme was to tailor interventions for the patient population, such as geriatric and oncology populations. ▪ Both guidelines and reviews endorsed a multicomponent approach. Some of the most common interventions included use of mobility and exercise, music therapy, education, and environmental adjustments by the multidisciplinary teams.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2024
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: United States
MeSH Terms
  • Delirium
  • Nursing
  • Nurses
  • delirium
Organisation Name: Penn Medicine Center for Evidence-based Practice
Contact Address: Penn Medicine Center for Evidence-based Practice, University of Pennsylvania Health System, 3600 Civic Center Blvd, 3rd Floor West, Philadelphia PA 19104
Contact Name: Nikhil Mull
Contact Email:
Copyright: <p>Center for Evidence-based Practice (CEP)</p>
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