Music therapy for children with autistic spectrum disorder
Bell C M
Record ID 32004000072
Authors' objectives:
This study aims to assess the effects of music therapy in children with autistic spectrum disorder.
Authors' recommendations:
Children with autism may demonstrate slight improvements in speech and imitation during music therapy sessions, but the clinical importance of these changes may be negligible. The impact of music therapy on behaviour and social functioning is unclear, and the long-term effects are uncertain. Whether music therapy is better than other forms of behavioural therapy for children with autism is unclear. These conclusions are limited by the poor quality of the evidence, in particular the biased selection of the children, the small numbers involved, the contamination effect of the crossover design of many of the studies, the uncertain relevance of many of the outcome measures and the short followup. Without further research, no recommendation about the clinical effectiveness of music therapy for autism can be made.
Authors' methods:
Project Status:
URL for project:
Year Published:
English language abstract:
An English language summary is available
Publication Type:
Not Assigned
MeSH Terms
- Autistic Disorder
- Child
- Music Therapy
Organisation Name:
Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development
Contact Address:
Pauline King. Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development, Boldrewood Medical School, Bassett Crescent East, Highfield, Southampton. SO16 7PX Tel. +44 1703 595661 Fax +44 1703 595662
Bazian Ltd, Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development
This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA or other HTA producer. No evaluation of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database.