[Guides and standards: methodological report in support of the reflection guide supporting clinical and organizational practices in rehabilitation services for young people with adjustment problems aged 10 or older]

Beaudoin I, Toupin I, Leclair V
Record ID 32018011170
Original Title: Rapport méthodologique en soutien au Guide de réflexion en appui aux pratiques cliniques et organisationnelles dans les services de réadaptation pour les jeunes en difficulté d’adaptation âgés de 10 ans et plus
Authors' objectives: Since the publication in 2010 of the Reference framework for a rigorous practice of rehabilitation intervention with children, young people and their parents in Health and Social Services Centres and Youth Centres, a number of changes have been observed in the field. One of these changes involves the increasing diversification among youth client groups and the growing challenges that rehabilitation services must cope with to meet these heterogeneous needs. In addition, a transformation project to modernize living environments and specialized accommodation and rehabilitation services for these young people was launched in the wake of the 2021 report of the Special Commission on the Rights of Children and Protection of Youth. This was the context in which the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) carried out its work in support of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS), consisting of reviewing and harmonizing the rehabilitation services offered for young people with adjustment problems aged 10 and over. Specifically, INESSS is working to define: • the characteristics of young people targeted for rehabilitation (targets); • the needs of young people to be met through rehabilitation (purposes); • the guiding principles underlying this rehabilitation. In 2023, INESSS first published two state-of-knowledge reports, one concerning the characteristics and needs of young people in rehabilitation, the other on the effectiveness of the rehabilitation models and approaches intended for them. The findings of these reports indicated that rehabilitation interventions must be tailored to the heterogeneous needs of young people but that these needs are not well known. It therefore seemed relevant for INESSS to produce a reflection guide to help teams explore and suggest improvements and actions aligned with their context of intervention and the varied needs of young people. This document describes the development approach used for the Reflection Guide Supporting Clinical and Organizational Practices in Rehabilitation Services for Young People with Adjustment Problems Aged 10 or Older.
Authors' results and conclusions: RESULTS: With its primary focus on meeting the needs of young people with adjustment problems, the reflection guide seeks to enhance the quality of rehabilitation services intended for this clientele. The introduction discusses the guide’s detailed purpose as well as its terms of use. The four central principles of this tool are then explored in greater depth. • Principle 1: Rehabilitation services that go beyond behavioural management and take into consideration the life course of each young person. • Principle 2: Rehabilitation services that foster the development of meaningful, quality and lasting social connections. • Principle 3: Rehabilitation services that equip young people with the means to exercise greater control over their health, well-being and development. • Principle 4: Rehabilitation services that situate schooling, academic pathways and vocational aspirations within a culture focused on bringing every young person to achieve their full potential. Each of these principles is supported by a portrait of the characteristics of young people, to highlight the main targets of rehabilitation. A portrait of their related needs is also presented, reflecting the main purposes of rehabilitation. Finally, clinical and organizational questions and avenues for reflection are suggested, stemming directly from the needs identified in the sources consulted. The guide is intended for all those involved in rehabilitation services who work with young people experiencing adjustment problems. It is suggested to involve these young people in this reflective process. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The production of the Reflection Guide Supporting Clinical and Organizational Practices in Rehabilitation Services for Young People with Adjustment Problems Aged 10 or Older enables INESSS to support the MSSS in reviewing and harmonizing the provision of these services. This guide was developed as part of an iterative scientific approach based on a multitude of data sources (scientific and grey literature, consultation of key stakeholders, validation). In addition, the guide fulfils the following conditions: • be part of a service approach centred both on young people and on cultural reassurance; • be practical and used during clinical decision-making by rehabilitation intervention teams; • recognizes the expertise of these teams, including young people; • be accessible to all stakeholders in its form and language; • encourage organizational practices that bring an optimal response to young people’s needs.
Authors' methods: This reflection guide draws on two main data sources. The first is the state-of-knowledge report entitled Characteristics and needs of targeted rehabilitation clienteles for young people with adjustment problems aged 10 or older published by INESSS. The other primary source of information for this guide was a consultation with key stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the needs of these young people. Four complementary information sources were subsequently selected, including INESSS’s state-of-knowledge report entitled Effectiveness of rehabilitation models and approaches for young people with adjustment problems. All data sources were analyzed and integrated over three main phases: 1) identification of the young people’s characteristics (rehabilitation targets); 2) identification of their needs (rehabilitation purposes); 3) grouping of characteristics and needs (rehabilitation principles). In each of these phases, data sources were analyzed iteratively. Following completion of a draft version of the reflection guide, the project team made sure that the rehabilitation principles, goals and targets were in line with INESSS’s Framework for the appraisal of the value of interventions in health and social services, which proposes a five-dimensional approach to assess the value of an intervention: clinical, populational, economic, organizational and sociocultural. Peer validation was also carried out in which a group of future users, which was comprised of 9 youth workers, along with members of a working committee supporting the project team, expressed their opinions on the usability, usefulness and acceptability of the reflection guide. All comments received were analyzed, and changes were made to produce a final version of the guide.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2024
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Other
Country: Canada
Province: Quebec
MeSH Terms
  • Child Health Services
  • Adolescent Health Services
  • Mental Health Services
  • Adjustment Disorders
  • Emotional Adjustment
  • Child
  • Adolescent
  • Psychiatric Rehabilitation
  • Behavior Therapy
  • Child Behavior Disorders
Organisation Name: Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux
Contact Address: L'Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) , 2021, avenue Union, bureau 10.083, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2S9;Tel: 1+514-873-2563, Fax: 1+514-873-1369
Contact Name: demande@inesss.qc.ca
Contact Email: demande@inesss.qc.ca
Copyright: L'Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS)
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