On-demand recombinant factor VIII for people with haemophilia A

Anthony D, Milne R
Record ID 31998008889
Authors' objectives:

The authors investigate whether recombinant factor VIII, as opposed to plasma factor VIII products, should be prescribed for haemophiliacs who are either (a) previously untreated, (b) previously treated or (c) HIV positive.

Authors' results and conclusions: The evidence from the studies does not suggest that there is a significant difference in the percentage of previously untreated haemophiliacs who develop inhibitors when administered either rfactor VIII or plasma factor VIII; nor does it suggest that there is a significant difference in the prevalence of parvovirus in haemophiliacs receiving either type of factor VIII.
Authors' recommendations: The authors conclude that the only benefit of receiving recombinant factor VIII as opposed to plasma factor VIII treatment appears to be that there have been no published case reports of viral transmission. However, there are possible benefits of receiving recombinant factor VIII which have not been studied, such as a reduction in anxiety and the unlikelihood of contracting as yet unknown blood-borne viruses from recombinant factor VIII treatment. Since the risk of transmission of unknown viruses is unquantifiable, decisions about use will have to reflect the values of decision-makers as much as the evidence.
Authors' methods: Review
Project Status: Completed
URL for project: http://www.wihrd.soton.ac.uk
Year Published: 1997
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: England
MeSH Terms
  • Costs and Cost Analysis
  • Factor VIII
  • Hemophilia A
  • Recombinant Proteins
Organisation Name: Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development
Contact Address: Pauline King. Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development, Boldrewood Medical School, Bassett Crescent East, Highfield, Southampton. SO16 7PX Tel. +44 1703 595661 Fax +44 1703 595662
Copyright: Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD)
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