Report on New-Ger (N-duopropenide), a new disinfectant. 2002 update - non-systematic review

Andalusian Agency for Health Technology Assessment
Record ID 32003000827
Authors' recommendations: New scientific information on N-Duopropenide has appeared during this period, mainly studies assaying the product under in use conditions. This new information does not essentially alter the conclusions of 1997 report. Nevertheless, the disinfectant has not been assessed according to new European Standards appeared since that year. On the other hand, additional data suggests N-Duopropenide is not a disinfectant with proved mycobactericide power and it must not be used for processing respiratory endoscopes. Albeit, New Ger can be easily used for other semicritic devices or surfaces disinfection and antiseptic hand washing.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2003
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Spain
MeSH Terms
  • Disinfectants
Organisation Name: Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Area
Contact Address: Area de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias Sanitarias de Andalucia (AETSA) Avda. InnovaciĆ³n, s/n Edificio Arena 1. Sevilla (Spain) Tel. +34 955 006 309
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Copyright: Andalusian Agency for Health Technology Assessment (AETSA)
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