[Systematic review on diagnosis and care of reactive attachment disorder]

Palma Ruiz M, García Carpintero E, Carmona M, Sánchez Gómez LM
Record ID 32018005215
Original Title: Revisión bibliográfica sobre diagnóstico y atención al Trastorno Reactivo del Apego
Authors' objectives: To perform a literature review on the assessment, diagnosis and care of reactive attachment disorder.
Authors' results and conclusions: RESULTS: A total of 3 published studies have been selected after screening the literature found in pairs. These are a Health Technology Assessment report, a NICE clinical practice guideline and an AACAP clinical guideline. These studies have used a variety of terminology: severe attachment problems or attachment difficulties (including disorganized attachment patterns and attachment disorders) in the first two; and reactive attachment disorders in the third document. CONCLUSIONS: For the diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder, it is recommended to use the DSM-V and ICE-10 criteria, and not to use tools for the detection of patterns or difficulties attachment. Psychotherapeutic interventions are recommended to help children with reactive attachment disorders and their caregivers. Therapy is conducted from two different perspectives: with the caregiver alone or with the child-child pair. The use of video-feedback interventions is recommended. There is an extensive literature available in the field of attachment and attachment patterns. However, in the case of reactive attachment disorders the available evidence is very limited in terms of diagnostic tools and interventions.
Authors' methods: A systematic review of the literature published between 2015-2019 has been carried out (updated to 15/02/2022). A search was conducted on: Medline (PubMed), Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Library), Cochrane Central Database of Controlled Trials-Central, PsycINFO, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), The Campbell Library, Tripdatabase, Prospero, DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects), Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database and NHS-EED (National Health System Economic Evaluation Database) Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), Biblioteca Virtual en Salud. The selection included health technology assessment reports, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and consensus documents, positions and protocols of Scientific Societies.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2022
Requestor: Spanish Ministry of Health
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Spain
MeSH Terms
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Child Reactive Disorders
  • Family Support
  • Psychotherapy
  • Child
  • Caregivers
Organisation Name: Agencia de Evaluacion de Tecnologias Sanitarias
Contact Address: Instituto de Salud "Carlos III", Calle Sinesio Delgado 6, Pabellon 4, 28029 Madrid, Spain. Tel: +34 9 1 822 2005; Fax: +34 9 1 387 7841;
Contact Name: Luis M. Sánchez Gómez
Contact Email: luism.sanchez@isciii.es
Copyright: <p>Agencia de Evaluacion</p>
This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA or other HTA producer. No evaluation of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database.