[State of knowledge: models for coordinating interhospital transfers in critical care]
Brun C, Tréfier A
Record ID 32018005165
Original Title:
État des connaissances - Modèles de coordination des transferts interhospitaliers en soins critiques
Authors' objectives:
Interfacility transfers allow for patients in need of urgent care to be transported to another
hospital to receive medical services that are otherwise unavailable at the initial healthcare
facility. Intensive care overcrowding, the labor shortage, the challenges associated with
hospital bed planning, the difficulties in access to specialized care for people residing in
remote areas, as well as population ageing, are all contributing drivers to the rising
demand for interhospital transfers (IHT) [Mitchell et al., 2022; Walton and Mohr, 2022;
Valley and Noritomi, 2020; Seymour and Kahn, 2017]. In order to improve hospital-wide
patient flows and ensure the quality of emergency care, the use of a coordination centre,
which manages IHT requests from and towards multiple hospitals, seemed to be a viable
option to better control patient throughput and warrant that resource allocation prioritizes
the sickest [Ahlin et al., 2023].
As such, in 2018, the Centre d’optimisation des flux réseau (COFR) of the Centre
hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) was mandated by the Ministère de la
Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) with the task of developing the Centre
d'optimisation - Occupation des lits de soins intensifs (COOLSI) to ensure the optimal
coordination of intensive care unit (ICU) beds.
COOLSI’s purpose to coordinate medical advice requests and intensive care patient
transfers. This objective consists of three specific goals: promote patient access to the
appropriate level of intensive care, ensure the optimal use of the healthcare network
resources and facilitate communication between all stakeholders involved in patient
transfers. At the moment, COOLSI is tasked with the coordination of inter-hospital ICU
transfers across 111 hospitals1 in Quebec.
As part of an IHT process optimization initiative in Québec, the MSSS has asked the
Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) to report on the
current organizational practices implemented in existing coordination centres across
Canada and abroad.
Authors' results and conclusions:
RESULTS: The gathered data have enabled the identification of 16 IHT coordination centres: 4 in
Canada and 12 abroad. Seven coordination centres responded to the questionnaire, of
): In Canada and abroad, IHT requests pertain to the adult and pediatric populations,
mainly in critical and acute care.
• In Quebec, COOLSI coordinates transfers to intensive care.
• The pandemic has led several facilities to broaden their clientele to include
COVID-19 patients. Other coordination centres have been established specifically
for the case management of those patients.
(#2 MANAGEMENT APPROACHES IN COORDINATION CENTERS): Direct comparison of management practices identified among coordination centres
is difficult.
• In Ontario and Quebec, IHT management is centralized (i.e., managed by a single
provincial coordination centre). In Alberta and British Columbia, in view of their
geography, IHT management is subdivided between the northern and southern
parts instead.
• Overseas, this variety of management practices (i.e., regionalized and/or
centralized) has also been observed according to territorial divisions and the
existing healthcare system.
• Coordination centres’ may be structurally dependent or independent of a hospital.
In Quebec, the COOLSI is attached to the CHUM, whereas other Canadian
coordination centres are stand alone.(#3 SERVICES OFFERED IN COORDINATION CENTRES): In Canada and abroad, the main services and activities offered in coordination
centres consist of medical advice requests, receiving hospital identification,
transport management and patient repatriation.
• Quebec is the only province whose coordination centre does not manage patient
transport, either independently or in cooperation with partners. (#4 STANDARDIZATION OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICES): Most centres use similar coordination procedures. According to the questionnaire’s
results, the order in which they are used varies depending on each coordination
• In Canada and abroad:
– Coordination centres are seldom the only approach to manage IHT requests.
– Among the centres surveyed by questionnaire, British Columbia and France
are the only ones to have a single access point, which is mandatory for IHT
– Most IHT requests are received through a dedicated phone number, and data
collection is done over the phone.
– Transfer destination and anticipation of medical needs are validated during
tripartite communication (requesting hospital-coordination centre-receiving
• Unlike most centres, Alberta’s transmits patient information to receiving hospitals
through electronic means. Decisional algorithms are made available to healthcare
professionals to help them determine at which point contacting the coordination
centre for medical advice and/or a transfer request is necessary.
• In Washington State, decisional algorithms guide the coordination centre staff
through the patient’s clinical information gathering process and receiving hospital
selection. (#5 HUMAN RESOURCES IN VARIOUS IHT COORDINATION CENTRES): There is little to no information on the competency requirements and the employee
headcount of coordination centres in the literature, and the data is highly
heterogenous across countries.
• Incoming calls are received by specialized or non-specialized nurses, paramedics,
emergency medical technicians or administrative technicians.
• Identifying a receiving hospital requires more specialized medical knowledge as
well as a good understanding of the healthcare network; this task is therefore
generally performed by medical specialists.
• Some coordination centres in the United States have teams of social workers, bed
allocators and transport dispatchers. (#6 ATERIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES TO SUPPORT IHT MANAGEMENT): According to the coordination centres surveyed by questionnaire and literature the
most frequently used technological processes and tools are telemedicine,
electronic records transmission, and the use of a dashboard. The dashboard’s
monitoring indicators report information on call volume, network bed availability,
transfer time, patients’ clinical conditions and other transfer-related issues such as
refusal of care, repatriation, bed occupancy projections, etc.
• In Canada, British Columbia alone uses a real-time, artificial intelligence-powered
dashboard to facilitate receiving hospital selection and provide the best transport
option based on the patient’s needs and according to road and weather conditions.
• The interoperability of data captured systems and digital tools across the
healthcare network prevents multiple entries and facilitates health professionals’
adherence to coordination systems.
• Telemedicine is described, for all centres, as a way to maintain a direct
communication link between the coordination centre and the doctors at the
requesting and receiving hospitals. (#7 EFFICIENCY OF COORDINATION CENTRES): Very few monitoring indicators are clearly detailed in the scientific literature. The
questionnaire’s results and literature findings suggest that the use of those
indicators vary from one coordination centre to another.
• Out of all data collected, no performance results associated with monitoring
indicators were identified. (#8: OPTIMAL MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR COORDINATION CENTRES): Current literature does not enable the identification of an optimal organizational
model for coordination centres.
• The following transfer coordination models present interesting service and process
management modalities:
– The American hub-and-spoke model, in which transfer requests are handled
by a single location (a hub), without a standalone coordination centre.
– Newton and Fralic's theoretical model, in which transfer request management
is structured around three components: 1) call-answering service, 2) bed
coordination service, and 3) transportation management service.
– The Canadian model of British Columbia’s Emergency Health Services
(BCEHS) coordination centre, in which transfer request management
includes the same components and processes as Newton and Fralic's
theoretical model, though it is structured around two co-located components
instead of three: 1) call-answering and bed management services, and 2)
transportation management service. (#9 THE QUEBEC IHT COORDINATION MODEL: COOLSI): COOLSI coordinates IHT throughout the province (111 hospitals), but it is not a
mandatory channel/route for transfer requests.
• COOLSI handles patients bound for intensive care units and patients with COVID19. Patients for whom trajectories have already been defined are not handled by
COOLSI (e.g., pediatric patients, coronary care unit patients, organ recipients,
trauma patients, severe burn victims, amputation victims and stroke victims).
• With the help of decision-making algorithms and in coordination with the
requesting physician, nurses direct patients to intensive care units.
• Patient redirection takes into account the geographical proximity of the receiving
hospital and the specialized activities required for the patient's care.
• Dashboards are updated several times a day by the intensive care units. (#10: OPTIMIZATION AVENUES FOR IHT COORDINATION): Extracted data highlight several avenues to optimize IHT coordination, such as:
• Ensure continuity of care while optimizing transfer times.
• Promote the integration of multidisciplinary teams with professionals who have indepth knowledge of the healthcare network.
• Promote the integration of artificial intelligence into the dashboard.
• Optimize transfer times with standardized protocols.
• Establish monitoring indicators to evaluate centre performance.
(#11 LIMITATIONS OF THE LITERATURE AND RESULTS): Very few articles address IHT coordination centre management.
• The majority of studies reviewed within the scientific literature have an
observational design, and the information of interest is mainly descriptive in nature.
• All sources considered, Canadian coordination centres are the least detailed in the
identified literature.
• Data triangulation could not clearly and comprehensively demonstrate the
differences and similarities between recognized IHT coordination models. No
studies have evaluated the operational efficiency of coordination centres on IHTs.
• Efficacy and efficiency assessment of IHT management models is difficult due to
the lack of clearly defined monitoring indicators and quantitative metrics. CONCLUSION: This overview of the current state of knowledge on IHT coordination models has identified
different organizational practices in IHT coordination centres across Canada and abroad.
Although currently available data/the data generated does not allow for a main
coordination model to be determined, it has highlighted several elements that could
optimize IHT management and, as a result, promote/facilitate fair and timely access to
specialized and ultra-specialized services for Quebecers.
Authors' methods:
An environmental scan was completed to identify IHT management practices in critical
care coordination centres across Canadian provinces and in other countries. A literature
review was conducted to locate coordination centers around the world and determine the
services and activities offered, the procedures used to manage IHT requests, as well as
the human, material and technological resources involved in those procedures. To fill in
the knowledge gaps of the scientific and grey literature, a questionnaire was sent out to the managers of all identified coordination centres to collect further information on the
services, coordination processes, resources and monitoring indicators implemented/in use
at their facility. Considering that methodological quality evaluated in literature reviews
does not reflect the quality of practices at a coordination centre nor the information
available on its organization, no formal methodological assessment of the quality of the
included studies was conducted.
Project Status:
Year Published:
URL for published report:
English language abstract:
An English language summary is available
Publication Type:
MeSH Terms
- Patient Transfer
- Critical Care
- Patient Handoff
- Intensive Care Units
Organisation Name:
Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux
Contact Address:
L'Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS) , 2021, avenue Union, bureau 10.083, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2S9;Tel: 1+514-873-2563, Fax: 1+514-873-1369
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
L'Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS)
This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA or other HTA producer. No evaluation of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database.