International review of the epidemiology of long COVID

Health Information and Quality Authority
Record ID 32018004811
Authors' objectives: The purpose of this evidence synthesis is to provide advice to the Health Service Executive (HSE) on the following policy areas: 1. The epidemiology and clinical burden of long COVID internationally. 2. The evidence of associations between risk/protective factors and development of long COVID among those who have had a SARS-CoV-2 infection. The response to the policy areas is informed by an evidence synthesis considering three elements: 1. A systematic review of evidence on the epidemiology and clinical burden of long COVID internationally. 2. A systematic review among those who have had a SARS-CoV-2 infection, of the evidence of associations between risk or protective factors and development of long COVID. 3. Input from HIQA’s COVID-19 Expert Advisory Group.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2023
Requestor: Health Service Executive (HSE)
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Ireland
MeSH Terms
  • COVID-19
  • Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome
  • SARS-CoV-2
  • Coronavirus Infections
  • Long Covid
  • epidemiology
Organisation Name: Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA)
Contact Address: Health Information and Quality Authority, George's Court, George's Lane,Smithfield, Dublin 7. PH : + 353 (01) 814 7464
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