[Central auditory processing disorder diagnosis]

Virgilio S, García Martí S, Pichon-Riviere A, Augustovski F, Alcaraz A, Bardach A, Ciapponi A.
Record ID 32018001542
Original Title: Diagnóstico del desorden del procesamiento auditivo central
Authors' recommendations: Low-quality evidence suggests that the diagnostic tests currently used in central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) might be of use for its diagnostic approach. No studies assessing the diagnostic accuracy of a set of tests in patients with suspected CAPD have been found. The clinical practice guidelines (CPG) consulted express that there is not a gold standard to diagnose CAPD; consequently, choosing the different tests should be based on the patient’s characteristics and conditions. The same CPGs recommend the use of a test workup (behavioral and electrophysiological testing) for the diagnostic approach of CAPD, considering that together they would improve diagnostic accuracy. One CPG jointly prepared by different societies of Europe recommend a certain test workup to start the diagnostic approach, which is made up by the dichotic digit test, the pitch and duration tests, Gaps-in-Noise (GIN), speech in noise test, the binaural masking level difference and the pediatric speech intelligibility test. The public health funders consulted do not cover the CAPD diagnostic tests. Two of the United States private health funders do not cover them as they consider them at experimental stage while the other two cover them as CAPD diagnostic approach, and, in these cases, the test workup will be chosen based on the treating healthcare provider’s judgement. No economic evaluations conducted in Argentina have been found.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2019
URL for published report: https://www.iecs.org.ar/home-ets/
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Argentina
MeSH Terms
  • Speech Sound Disorder
  • Language Development Disorders
  • Diagnosis
  • Auditory Perceptual Disorders
  • Audiometry
  • Child
Organisation Name: Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy
Contact Address: Dr. Emilio Ravignani 2024, Buenos Aires - Argentina, C1414 CABA
Contact Name: info@iecs.org.ar
Contact Email: info@iecs.org.ar
Copyright: Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS)
This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA or other HTA producer. No evaluation of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database.