[Specific rehabilitation interventions for physical impairment to avoid chronification of non-specific back pain in adults]

Ndjepel J, Cummings J, St-Jacques S
Record ID 32018001243
Original Title: Interventions spécifiques de réadaptation en déficience physique pour éviter la chronicisation des maux de dos non spécifiques chez les adultes
Authors' objectives: To identify: 1) the rehabilitation methods that are thought to be the most effective, and 2) the specific service offering (primary care) to be implemented to avoid the chronification of non-specific back pain in adults.
Authors' results and conclusions: Different methods of non-medicinal interventions are recommended to avoid chronification of back pain. These interventions include physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment, self-management, and education for patients, returning to daily activities, cognitive-behavioural psychological interventions, sports activities, and a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program.
Authors' recommendations: › Reassuring information must be given to the patient. In 90% of cases, non-specific back pain goes away in less than four to six weeks. › Progressive and early return to physical activity is the main way to enable favorable progress and to avoid a relapse. › Early detection of patients who are at risk for chronicity is recommended. › In the absence of improvement following treatment by a multidisciplinary team, it is suggested to include a specialized physician, and if necessary, an occupational physician (according to Quebec terminology, a specialist in preventive medicine). › Biopsychosocial management of patients must be patient-centered and be based on a shared medical decision.
Authors' methods: literature review using a systematic approach
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2021
Requestor: Management of the Cognitive Impairment Autism Spectrum Disorder and Physical Impairment Program from the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Other
Country: Canada
Province: Quebec
MeSH Terms
  • Back Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Chronic Pain
  • Rehabilitation
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Preventive Health Services
  • Adult
Organisation Name: Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale
Contact Address: 525, boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel, bureau A-122
Contact Name: Sylvie St-Jacques
Contact Email: uetmisss.deau.ciussscn@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
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