[Parent-Child-Pass Update 2020/21 – Screenings for mental health, nutrition and social competence]
Reinsperger I
Record ID 32018001115
Original Title:
Eltern-Kind-Pass Update 2020/21 - Screenings zu psychischer Gesundheit, Ernährung und sozialer Kompetenz
Authors' objectives:
Several previous reports by the LBI-HTA (see https://eprints.aihta.at/996/) researched and summarised screening recommendations from evidence-based guidelines for pregnant women and children. These served as the basis for the work of the Ministry of Health's expert working group, which formulated recommendations for the new "Mutter-Kind-Pass" (Austrian screening programme for pregnant women and children) in monthly meetings from 2014 to 2018. The aim of this update was to review the guideline recommendations for mental health, nutrition and social competence from previous reports to ensure that they were up to date and to provide an update.
Authors' recommendations:
The included guidelines recommend screening and/or counselling for the majority of the topics covered in the area of mental health and nutrition (e.g. interviewing on psychosocial stress factors and support needs, screening for postpartum depression and anxiety disorders, interviewing pregnant women on their substance use, screening for obesity in pregnant women, counselling on healthy eating and breastfeeding). No relevant guidelines could be identified for the topic of social competence.
The update report can subsequently be used as a decision support for an updated screening programme for pregnant women and children.
Authors' methods:
We included a total of 52 guidelines from 16 different institutions.
Project Status:
Year Published:
URL for published report:
URL for additional information:
English language abstract:
An English language summary is available
Publication Type:
Rapid Review
MeSH Terms
- Parent-Child Relations
- Mother-Child Relations
- Preventive Health Services
- Mental Health
- Maternal-Child Health Services
- Pregnant People
- Nutrition Disorders
- Guidelines as Topic
- Health Planning Guidelines
- Neonatal Screening
- Diagnostic Screening Programs
- Counseling
- Mass Screening
- Child
- Screening
- counselling
- guidelines
- pregnancy
- early childhood
- mental health
- nutrition
Organisation Name:
Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment
Contact Address:
Garnisongasse 7/20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA or other HTA producer. No evaluation of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database.