Early detection program of health problems between the 0 and 14 years. Effectivenes, safety and economic evaluation of the different existent alternatives in the early detection of autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

Vicente Edo MJ, Paredes Alvarado IR, Gavín Benavent P, Martín Sánchez JI
Record ID 32018000635
Original Title: Programa de actividades de detección precoz de problemas de salud entre los 0 y 14 años. Efectividad, seguridad y evaluación económica de las diferentes alternativas existentes en la detección precoz de los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA)
Authors' objectives: To determine the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of ASD screening in paediatric population measure in terms of quality of life and morbidity.
Authors' results and conclusions: For the first question, the literature search identified one hundred and forty four 144 articles and two clinical guidelines. After a thorough reading and different selection processes, none of the articles were included. Neither could we identify studies that evaluated the cost-effectiveness of screening related to the age and/or risk factors. For the second question, the literature search identified 331 articles; none of them was included in the review because they did not answer the initial question. There is not evidence about which is the most cost-effective screening strategy in the early detection of ASD, neither about the age in which screening should be done. However, there is consensus that indicates that early detection of ASD reduces disability and related costs.
Authors' recommendations: Universal childhood screening for ASD is not recommended. However, experts recommend screening all children with risk factors of ASD. In addition, professionals have to be alert to any sign of alarm about the child’s development expressed by the family and/or carers.
Authors' methods: The literature was searched in PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, Lilacs and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) databases: NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED), Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE). To obtain grey literature, a search in the websites of national and international societies and institutions of interest was carried out too. The search was not limited by language, neither restricted by publication date. Also, a hand search and a reverse search from the references of the articles identified were also completed. For the first question, full economic evaluations (efficiency) were included. The second question (effectiveness) was focused mainly on cohort and case-control studies. The selection of studies was made by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria previously established.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2016
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Full HTA
Country: Spain
MeSH Terms
  • Autistic Disorder
Organisation Name: Health Sciences Institute in Aragon (IACS)
Contact Address: Avda, San Juan Bosco, 13, planta 2
Contact Name: María Pilar Calvo Pérez
Contact Email: direccion.iacs@aragon.es
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