Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy for deep vein thrombosis

Record ID 32016000983
Authors' recommendations: Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy (PMT) involves the mechanical removal of a thrombus or embolism from the vascular system using percutaneous access. PMT devices utilize various mechanisms to disrupt and remove thromboembolisms, including rheolytic, rotational, and ultrasound-assisted systems. PMT is often used in concert with local application of thrombolytic drugs. The objectives of using PMT to treat a patient with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are to remove the clot, restore venous patency, and preserve valve function; to prevent pulmonary embolization of a clot to the lung, which can be fatal; and to reduce the risk of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). Controversy: Because PMT is a physical intervention, it may be advantageous over oral or parenteral anticoagulation alone in emergency situations where there is not enough time for the drugs to work, when anticoagulation alone fails to remove the clot, or when anticoagulation is contraindicated. However, the technology is invasive and relatively new, warranting assessment of effectiveness, safety, and the performance of the different commercially available devices. Possible risks of PMT include damage to venous endothelium and valves, as well as pulmonary embolism (PE) following thrombus breakup. Relevant Questions: For patients with DVT, is PMT effective for eliminating thromboses and emboli, restoring blood flow and vascular function, and reducing the risk of PE and PTS? Are PMT devices safe for DVT? How do PMT devices compare with other standard treatments for DVT alone and in combination? Have definitive patient selection criteria been established for PMT for treatment of DVT?
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2016
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: United States
MeSH Terms
  • Humans
  • Thrombectomy
  • Venous Thrombosis
Organisation Name: HAYES, Inc.
Contact Address: 157 S. Broad Street, Suite 200, Lansdale, PA 19446, USA. Tel: 215 855 0615; Fax: 215 855 5218
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Copyright: 2014 Winifred S. Hayes, Inc
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