Mission, objectives and implementation of a multidisciplinary laser therapy platform

Samprieto-Colom L, Granados A
Record ID 31995000025
Catalan, English, Spanish
Authors' objectives:

To provide an overview about the meaning and resources required to establish a multidisciplinary laser therapy platform.

Authors' results and conclusions: Laser therapy is a growing technology often associated with a decrease in the cost of the medical care and with a better recovery of the patient. Nevertheless, although in certain pathologies its cost-effectiveness has been proved, in others it has still to be assessed. Due to this uncertainty as well as the high costs associated with this technology, it is not justified to purchase one laser for each clinical speciality. Gathering the different types of lasers (ex. CO2, Nd:YAG, argon) in an area of the hospital allows their multidisciplinary utilization and a better compliance with safety requirements. This document does not deal with the utilization of laser in ophthalmology. The first multidisciplinary laser therapy platform in Catalonia was created in the middle of 1991. It is allocated in a university affiliated hospital and its main purpose is to cover the demand for different laser therapy procedures. During the period 1991 to 1993, 1656 procedures were performed. Most of these procedures were broncolasers. Other specialties working in the platform are: dermatology, digestive, gynaecology, and ENT. Currently, physicians from other medical specialities are receiving training and education to use the laser therapy platform.
Authors' recommendations: The relatively high cost of the equipment, personnel training, supplies, and the safety measures to be followed make it necessary to consider the best way to optimize lasers that can be useful to different specialities. Some of the advantages of the multidisciplinary laser platform approach are: a) compliance with safety and quality assurance measures; b) appropriateness in the use of laser therapy and implementation of more cost-effective procedures; c) personnel education and training programs; e) maximization of the utilization of the equipment. Due to the state of knowledge of laser therapy and the current potential needs, it might be reasonable to have one reference multidisciplinary laser platform in Catalonia.
Authors' methods: Review
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 1993
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Spain
MeSH Terms
  • Laser Therapy
  • Lasers
Organisation Name: Agencia de Qualitat i Avaluacio Sanitries de Catalunya
Contact Address: Antoni Parada, CAHTA, Roc Boronat, 81-95 (2nd floor), 08005 Barcelona, Spain, Tel. +34 935 513 928, Fax: +34 935 517 510
Contact Name: direccio@aatrm.catsalut.net / aparada@aatrm.catsalut.net
Contact Email: direccio@aatrm.catsalut.net / aparada@aatrm.catsalut.net
Copyright: Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research
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