Positron emission tomography

Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques
Record ID 32002000028
Authors' objectives:

This report aims to assess the effectiveness of positron emission tomography (PET) scanning.

Authors' recommendations: The CEDIT is of the opinion that the diagnostic benefits of PET in oncology are sufficiently documented, but that evidence of its clinical effectiveness (in terms of survival and quality of life) requires results of studies still underway. It recommends its use in a measured fashion in the AP-HP. Therefore, in a first stage, three new machines will be added to the one already operating at Tenon. The facilities will need to be installed in "sites highly specialized" in oncology which will then have to make the machines available to other hospitals. Choices regarding PET machinery will need to evolve over time. The clinical role of PET in other disciplines is not yet clearly demonstrated. The CEDIT recommends that access in the AP-HP to a research cyclotron supplying radiotracers other than 18F-FDG should be prioritized by the PCH group. The potential for merging anatomical and physiological images is of great interest, and should be evaluated. The CEDIT does not recommend the widespread use of coincidence detectors but a follow-up of their technical development in one or two centers already equipped where there would be evaluations. Experts agree on their non-restrictive use in conventional screenings. The CEDIT recommends finally that the evaluation of these technologies and their clinical impact be pursued at the AP-HP.
Authors' methods: Systematic review, expert opinion
Project Status: Completed
URL for project: http://cedit.aphp.fr/
Year Published: 2001
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
MeSH Terms
  • Tomography, Emission-Computed
Organisation Name: Cellule Innovation of the AP-HP
Copyright: Comite d'Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques (CEDIT)
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