Robot-assisted surgery: the da Vinci robot

Ballini L, Minozzi S, Negro A, Pirini G
Record ID 32014001380
Authors' recommendations: In line with the da Vinci robot's status of emerging technology, knowledge on its clinical effectiveness and potential health impact is limited and does not allow to forward firm conclusions or indications for future adoption programmes. Nonetheless, applying the criteria used for establishing plausible clinical effectiveness (Chapter 3), economic sustainability (Chapter 4) and necessary requirements for introduction and integration of the technology in the health service (Chapter 5), some hypothetical scenarios for the adoption and support to the development of robotic surgery are proposed: - experimental use of the da Vinci robot in local Health Trusts (mono-center clinical trials); - experimental use in the Regional Health System (multi-center clinical trials); - use of the technology for training purposes and set-up of a regional school for robotic surgery; - acquisition of a da Vinci robot; - demission of a robotic surgery's service. Each scenario is discussed on the basis of the main issues considered in the preceding chapters (clinical use, research questions, organizational requirements and economic impact).
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2008
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Italy
MeSH Terms
  • Robotics
Organisation Name: Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale (Regional Agency for Health and Social Care)
Contact Address: Viale Aldo Moro 21, 40127 Bologna, Italia tel. +39 051 5277177 fax +39 051 5277049
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Copyright: Agenzia sanitaria e sociale regionale, Regione Emilia-Romagna
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