Preoperative consultation: a rapid review

Lambrinos A
Record ID 32014001064
Authors' objectives: The objective of this rapid review was to determine the clinical utility of preoperative consultations by internal medicine specialists or anesthesiologists prior to intermediate risk, noncardiac, elective surgery.
Authors' recommendations: Based on low quality of evidence, there was mixed results for both outcomes of interest: Two observational studies found that patients who had preoperative anesthesia consultations had a reduced postoperative LOS compared to patients who had no preoperative consultation. However, one observational study found that patients who had preoperative medical consultations had an increased hospital LOS compared to those who did not have medical consultations. One observational study found that preoperative anesthesia consultation was not associated with reduced mortality rates (30 days and 1 year). However, one observational study found that preoperative medical consultation was associated with increased mortality rates (30 days and 1 year).
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2014
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Canada
MeSH Terms
  • Preoperative Care
Organisation Name: Health Quality Ontario
Contact Address: Evidence Development and Standards, Health Quality Ontario, 130 Bloor Street West, 10th floor, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 1N5
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Copyright: Health Quality Ontario
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