Overview of the regulation of acupuncture in Alberta

Brooks L
Record ID 32001000939
Authors' objectives: The focus of this report is to identify the providers of acupuncture in Alberta and identify the bodies through which they are registered and regulated. It is not intended to provide information from beyond the borders of this province, to outline in detail the remuneration practices of the acupuncture community, nor to identify the demographics of the population using acupuncture. The curriculum of the different training programs is outside of the scope of this document as are issues involving competency.
Authors' recommendations: In Alberta those who perform acupuncture may fall into one of three categories of certification or governance as follows: - Those who are members of a professional college or association (physical therapists, physicians, dentists, and chiropractors) prior to their study of acupuncture and who have completed training and examinations which are recognized by their regulating body. These people are registered and governed by their respective colleges or associations. - Those who have completed training in an acupuncture program recognized by the Acupuncture Committee (a self-governing body, consisting of six delegated members, administered by the Health Disciplines Board) and have passed a provincial exam. These practitioners are referred to as registered acupuncturists. They may have trained in an acupuncture program at a college level or may have health-related training prior to, or as part of, their study of acupuncture (eg. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, physical therapists, occupational therapists, registered nurses). - Those who have knowledge of acupuncture, perhaps from their country of origin, who provide acupuncture but are practicing without a governing body. Expertise of this group may be varied. These practitioners may need only apply for a city license and comply with the standards of Public Safety as reviewed by the Health Inspector. When the Health Professions Act is proclaimed these practitioners will no longer be able to provide needle acupuncture.
Authors' methods: Questionnaire
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2001
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Canada
MeSH Terms
  • Acupuncture Therapy
Organisation Name: Institute of Health Economics
Contact Address: 1200, 10405 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5J 3N4. Tel: +1 780 448 4881; Fax: +1 780 448 0018;
Contact Name: djuzwishin@ihe.ca
Contact Email: djuzwishin@ihe.ca
Copyright: <p>Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR)</p>
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