Fetal monitoring with computerized ST analysis during labor: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Salmelin A, Wiklund I, Bottinga R, Brorsson B, Ekman-Ordeberg G, Grimfors EE, Hanson U, Blom M, Persson E
Record ID 32014000535
Authors' objectives: To assess the evidence that computerized ST analysis during labor reduces the incidence of fetal metabolic acidosis, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, cesarean section, instrumental vaginal delivery or the number of instances where fetal scalp blood sampling is used as compared with CTG only.
Authors' recommendations: There is not enough scientific evidence to conclude that computerized ST analysis reduces the incidence of metabolic acidosis. Cesarean sections and instrumental vaginal deliveries due to fetal distress or other indications are the same, regardless of method, but STAN® reduces the number of instances which require scalp blood sampling.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2013
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Sweden
MeSH Terms
  • Delivery, Obstetric
Organisation Name: The HTA Center of the Stockholm County Council/Gotland
Contact Address: HTA Region Stockholm, Centre for Health Economics, Informatics and Health Care Research (CHIS), Stockholm Health Care Services, Tomtebodavägen 18A, pl 4, 171 65 Solna, Sweden
Contact Name: eva.fjellgren@regionstockholm.se
Contact Email: hta.slso@regionstockholm.se
Copyright: The Stockholm County Council
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