[Photodynamic therapy for colon cancer]

Pichon Riviere A, Augustovski F, Garcia Marti S, Glujovsky D, Alcaraz A, Lopez A, Bardach A, Ciapponi A, Gonzalez L
Record ID 32014000279
Authors' objectives: To assess the available evidence on the efficacy, safety and coverage policy related aspects on the use of photodynamic therapy in patients with colorectal cancer.
Authors' recommendations: The evidence found is of very poor quality. There is not enough evidence to determine de effectiveness and safety profile or PDT for colon and rectal cancer, or to recommend its use as endoscopic treatment to palliate colon or rectal obstruction, replacing standard treatments such as stent placement or laser therapy. Regarding liver metastasis in these malignancies, there were isolated experiences reported as case series with a low number of patients which show promising results. However, the fact that there are not controlled studies comparing PDT to the standard management of these patients causes PDT use, either for curative or palliative intent in colon and rectal cancer, still to be considered experimental.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2012
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Argentina
MeSH Terms
  • Photosensitizing Agents
  • Photochemotherapy
Organisation Name: Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy
Contact Address: Dr. Emilio Ravignani 2024, Buenos Aires - Argentina, C1414 CABA
Contact Name: info@iecs.org.ar
Contact Email: info@iecs.org.ar
Copyright: Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS)
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