[Polysomnography in the diagnosis of sleep-related breathing disorders]

Shin S, Lee HJ, Kim JH, Lee DH
Record ID 32013000534
Original Title: 수면호흡장애 진단을 위한 수면다원검사의 평가
Authors' recommendations: The objective of this study is to verify the clinical evidence for the use of Polysomnography (PSG) in the diagnosis of sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD). This systematic review was performed to investigate scientific evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of PSG in SRBD. The clinical textbooks and guidelines were also determined for the medical standard. The primary article could not be found in the systematic review performed for examining evidence of the diagnostic accuracy of the PSG in SRBD. The PSG, was instead applied as a medical standard for evaluating abbreviated polysomnographic techniques such as division nocturnal PSG, and portable PSG for the diagnosis of SRBD. From the clinical textbooks and guidelines recommended by clinical experts, PSG performed in a sleep laboratory was considered as the medical standard for SRBD diagnosis and severity assessment. Even in the laboratory test, various influential factors were emphasized, including the environment of the sleep laboratory, standardization of the PSG, continuous supervision by a professional sleep inspector, night-to-night variability, test-retest reliability, and intra-rater and inter-rater event recognition errors. This study was conducted by a rapid review method to provide information about the evidence for the use of PSG in the diagnosis of SRBD for the formulation of insurance policies. Although it was a rapid review and therefore had limitations, it is judged that the application of the rapid review method is reasonable in this case as it provides evidence that can be used for timely decision-making.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2012
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: South Korea
MeSH Terms
  • Humans
  • Polysomnography
  • Diagnostic Techniques, Respiratory System
  • Sleep Apnea Syndromes
Organisation Name: National Evidence-based healthcare Collaborating Agency
Contact Address: National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA), 3~5F Health and Welfare Social Administration B/D, 400 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea.
Contact Name: int@neca.re.kr
Contact Email: int@neca.re.kr
Copyright: National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA)
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