[Coronary angioplasty in Finland: an overview of the situation in 2000 and an estimation of needs in the near future]

Tierala I and Working Group
Record ID 32001000085
English, Finnish
Original Title: Sepelvaltimoiden pallolaajennukset Suomessa : Selvitys tilanteesta vuonna 2000 ja arvio lähitulevaisuuden tarpeista
Authors' objectives:

This report aims to provide an overview of coronary angioplasty in Finland in 2000, and an estimation of needs in the near future.

Authors' recommendations: Up to recent years, coronary angioplasty and bypass surgery have mainly been used for treating stable coronary artery disease, as it has been considered to be too dangerous to apply these treatments in acute cases. This view has changed during the last few years. Latest research shows that it is safe to perform coronary angiography or angioplasty in acute cases immediately after the person has fallen ill or within the next few days, depending on the case. In certain cases, an instant action may save the patient's life. In any case, the duration of hospital care can be shortened and the need of new hospital treatments reduced. In Finland, the utilisation of coronary angiography and angioplasty is too limited, which becomes even more apparent in the light of the present perception that a considerable portion of acute cases should also be examined by angiography and treated by angioplasty, if required. In 2000, a total of 14 000 angiographic examinations and about 4 000 coronary angioplasties were performed in Finland. The working group estimates that the need is about 22 000 angiographic examinations and 10 000 coronary angioplasties annually in the near future. About 4 200 bypass operations are performed annually, while the estimated need is about 5 000. Accordingly, the need for increase is not equally urgent in this area. As the need for additional angiographic examinations and angioplastic operations is as great as that, new heart catheterisation laboratories need to be set up and an efficient use of all existing laboratories should be ensured. A total of 21 laboratories will be needed to treat coronary disease, while another 9 laboratories will be needed for other cardiology. In other words, several new laboratories need to be set up. They should be placed mainly within the university hospitals and the other existing cardiology centres. On the contrary, a critical attitude should be adopted to the setting up of any new cardiology centres. An x-ray and catheterisation laboratory that is not used efficiently and that is inappropriately situated may involve considerable waste of money. In addition to the need estimation, the report deals with some practical aspects of these treatments and the need to increase co-operation between different units. On planning an increase in angioplastic activities, it is important to account for the high start-up costs of new heart catheterisation laboratories, for the long time span needed for the training of the personnel and for the functionality of regional and local care chains. Special attention should be paid to ensuring that all citizens will have as equal access to treatment as possible.
Authors' methods: Overview
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2001
URL for published report: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe201210159439
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Finland
MeSH Terms
  • Angioplasty
  • Coronary Artery Bypass
  • Coronary Disease
Organisation Name: Finnish Coordinating Center for Health Technology Assessment
Contact Address: Finnish Office for Health Care Technology Assessment (Finohta)
Contact Name: .
Contact Email: fincchta@ppshp.fi
Copyright: Finnish Office for Health Care Technology Assessment
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