[Real time continuous glucose monitoring systems]

Solans M, Kotzeva A, Almazán C
Record ID 32012000866
Authors' objectives: To analyze the scientific evidence on the efficacy and safety of CGMS-RT, for glucose control, in comparison with the self-monitoring blood glucose system in adults, for paediatric and adult patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1).
Authors' recommendations: The available evidence on metabolic control improvement through the use of CGMS-RT compared to SMBG shows that in mixed population (adult and paediatric) these systems are effective at 3 months (both for patients with poor or good metabolic control) and at 6 months (for patients with good metabolic control), while for adults, the use of CMGS-RT at 6 months in people with poor metabolic control implies a reduction of the level of blood glucose. In contrast, in the paediatric population, the use of CGMSRT requires some additional conditions such as frequent use of the sensor or a combination with a CSII. It is important to outline that CGMS-TR are just a tool for the determination of glucose levels and therefore, the success or failure of these systems in the process of metabolic control is directly related to the good management of DM1 by the patient, with his motivation to use this technology and with a minimum use of the sensor during 60-70% of the time.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2011
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Spain
MeSH Terms
  • Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Organisation Name: Agencia de Qualitat i Avaluacio Sanitries de Catalunya
Contact Address: Antoni Parada, CAHTA, Roc Boronat, 81-95 (2nd floor), 08005 Barcelona, Spain, Tel. +34 935 513 928, Fax: +34 935 517 510
Contact Name: direccio@aatrm.catsalut.net / aparada@aatrm.catsalut.net
Contact Email: direccio@aatrm.catsalut.net / aparada@aatrm.catsalut.net
Copyright: Catalan Agency for Health Information, Assessment and Quality (CAHIAQ)
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