[Radiofrequency ablation of bone tumors (osteoid-osteoma and osseus metastases]

Warmuth M, Nachtnebel A
Record ID 32012000772
Authors' objectives: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a relatively new, minimally-invasive ablation method that destroys tumors by local application of heat. This systematic review evaluates two indications of RFA for the treatment of bone tumors: osteoid-osteoma (benign bone tumor) and osseous metastases of various primary cancers, such as lung cancer, breast cancer or prostate cancer.
Authors' recommendations: According to GRADE, the quality of evidence is very low due to the uncontrolled study design of the included case-series. Overall, the available evidence is insufficient to assess the efficacy and safety of RFA compared to the respective standard therapy for the treatment of bone tumors. Currently, the inclusion into the hospital benefit catalogue is not recommended.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2012
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Austria
MeSH Terms
  • Bone Neoplasms
Organisation Name: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Health Technology Assessment
Contact Address: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for fuer Health Technology Assessment (LBI-HTA), Garnisongasse 7/rechte Stiege Mezzanin (Top 20), 1090 Vienna, Austria. Tel: +43 1 236 8119 - 0 Fax: +43 1 236 8119 - 99
Contact Name: tarquin.mittermayr@aihta.at
Contact Email: office@aihta.at
Copyright: Ludwig Boltzmann Institut fuer Health Technology Assessment (LBI-HTA)
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